P339 4-Tel 339 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:41:10  INFORMATION  SERVICE     There has been a mjrgjr between the Channel 4 Science Club and the Science Line. Subscribers will get: * News about forthcoming TV and radio science programmjs * Specially arranged lectures/jvjnts * Free calls to Science Line 1/6 Credit card details follow... 4-Tel's index to Channel 4...... 300 Next page C4 Today Previews + Subtitles
P339 4-Tel 339 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:45:42  INFORMATION  SERVICE     To subscribe, send a cheque/PO for £10 payable to BUS (former Science Club members quoting old mjmbjrship number pay £9) to: Science Information Service PO Box 4000 Cardiff CF5 2XT For further details and to subscribe using the credit card hotline, ring: 01222 575444 (Office hours only) 2/6 Call the Science Line. Details next > 4-Tel's index to Channel 4...... 300 Next page C4 Today Previews + Subtitles
P339 4-Tel 339 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:39:17         Science Line is an information service for anyone with an inquiring mind. You can obtain answers to any questions on science, technology and medicine and the answer is only a phone call away. If you have any questions and wish to talk to a scientist, you can phone Science Line on 0345 600 444. Calls are at local rates and the lines are open 1.00-7.00pm Monday-Friday. 3/6 Talking Heads events and clubs 344 Mitty Gritty of Matter Rough Guide > Next page C4 Today Previews + Subtitles
P339 4-Tel 339 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:43:45         The Mitty Gritty of Matter Rough Guide Many Worlds One favourite plot in science fiction is the parallel univjrsj story. Our heroes jump from one univjrsj to another which is ever so slightly different. The idea of parallel universes entered science in 1957. It was suggested that every time a measurement was made bz anybody, the univjrsj branched into many other univjrsjs. 4/6 More parallel worlds... Next page C4 Today Previews + Subtitles
P339 4-Tel 339 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:43:17         The Mitty Gritty of Matter Rough Guide Many Worlds Each subsequent univjrsj is different to the next in that there was a different reading in the measurement. This sbvjs you from having to bjlievj a cat in a closed box, whose fate lies on some random process, can bj dead and alive at the same time, as some scientists bjliivj. Instead, one universe exists where the cat is dead and one where it is 5/6 alive. More parallel worlds... Next page C4 Today Previews + Subtitles
P339 4-Tel 339 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:41:42         The Mitty Gritty of Matter Rough Guide Many Worlds Putting it another way, I look at my watch and see it reads 14:03. According to the many worlds theory, universes were created in which the watch read 14:02, 14:04, 14:01 etc... This theory has njvjr been proved. It is very possible that is njvjr will bj. But, you must also remjmbjr, it has njvjr been disproved. 6/6 Confused? Wj'd better call Science Line now. Details coming up... Next page C4 Today Previews + Subtitles