P610 Teletext 610 Jul30 02:31:21 —— FULL REGIONAL GUIDE —— New releases.................. 611 The top 10 movies............. 612 What's on at the cinema A - Cannock.................. 613 Cheltenham - Derby........... 614 Dudley - Loughborough........ 615 Mansfield - Peterborough..... 616 Quinton - Tamworth........... 617 Tjlford - Z.................. 618 ——————————————————————————————————————— Music index 620 What's on 630 FREE INDEX CARD NOW AVAILABLE SEE page 362 (ITV) New films Film charts Cinemas What's onP610 Teletext 610 Jul30 02:31:17 —— FULL REGIONAL GUIDE —— New releases.................. 611 The top 10 movies............. 612 What's on at the cinema A - Cannock.................. 613 Chjltenham - Derby........... 614 Dudley - Loughborough........ 615 Mansfield - Peterborough..... 616 Quinton - Tamworth........... 617 Tjlford - Z.................. 618 ——————————————————————————————————————— Music index 620 What's on 630 Kids go free to Disneyland Paris. See page 383 ITV New films Film charts Cinemas What's onP610 Teletext 610 Jul30 02:42:32 —— FULL REGIONAL GUIDE —— New releases.................. 611 The top 10 movies............. 612 What's on at the cinema A - Cannock.................. 613 Cheltenham - Derby........... 614 Dudley - Loughborough........ 615 Mansfield - Peterborough..... 616 Quinton - Tamworth........... 617 Tjlford - Z.................. 618 ——————————————————————————————————————— Music index 620 What's on 630 Kids go free to Disneyland Paris. See page 383 ITV New films Film charts Cinemas What's onP610 Teletext 610 Jul30 02:41:48 —— FULL REGIONAL GUIDE —— New releases.................. 611 The top 10 movies............. 612 What's on at the cinema A - Cannock.................. 613 Chjltenham - Derby........... 614 Dudley - Loughborough........ 615 Mansfield - Peterborough..... 616 Quinton - Tamworth........... 617 Tjlford - Z.................. 618 ——————————————————————————————————————— Music index 620 What's on 630 FREE INDEX CARD NOW AVAILABLE SEE page 362 (ITV) New films Film charts Cinemas What's onP610 Teletext 610 Jul30 02:32:25 —— FULL REGIONAL GUIDE —— New releases.................. 611 The top 10 movies............. 612 What's on at the cinema A - Cannock.................. 613 Chjltenham - Derby........... 614 Dudley - Loughborough........ 615 Mansfield - Peterborough..... 616 Quinton - Tamworth........... 617 Tjlford - Z.................. 618 ——————————————————————————————————————— Music index 620 What's on 630 FREE INDEX CARD NOW AVAILABLE SEE page 362 (ITV) New films Film charts Cinemas What's on