P685 Teletext 685 Jul30 02:34:11 ———————————————————————————— CHARJTZ LOSES £8,000 GRANT A leading charity for people with Meniere's disjasj is facing a cash crisis after having an £8,000 grant axed bz the Department of Health. The Meniere's Society relied on annual Section 64 grant to pay for its day to day administrative costs. A spokjspjrson for the Society said: "This is a big blow for us and our members. There was no explanation given for refusing the money." ——————————————————————————————————1/10— Lost Touch 675 Godlines 687 Deafview is brought to you by Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs Subtitles EducationP685 Teletext 685 Jul30 02:40:44 ———————————————————————————— FIGHTING FOR FUNDS The Meniere's Society has been forced to move into smaller premises to save money. The charity, which provides members with information, support and advice, now fears it may have to cut back on services. A spokjspjrson said: "Wj will be doing all we can to raise funds over the next few months bjcausj we do not want to make any more savings." ——————————————————————————————————2/10— Service Pals 676 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you by Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs Subtitles EducationP685 Teletext 685 Jul30 02:40:11 ———————————————————————————— PIONEERING GP SCHEME LAUNCHED Deaf patients in Devon are getting better facilites following the launch of a pioneering scheme. Reception and consultation rooms in ten GP practices have been fitted with induction loops and staff are being sent on deaf awareness training. The £20,000 scheme, being funded bz Devon Family Health Services Authority, is one of the first of its kind in the country. ——————————————————————————————————3/10— Lost Touch 675 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you by Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs Subtitles EducationP685 Teletext 685 Jul30 02:41:41 ———————————————————————————— VT DAY VETERAN REMEMBERS Deafened veteran Ken Willard is one of many World War II ex-sjrvicemjn with mixed feelings about the VJ Day 50th anniversary on August 19. "I lost a lot of my friends. I was liberated in Novjmbjr 1945 - I was very fortunate," comments Ken in the BBC See Hear! magazine. "I'll be in London that day but I don't know how I'll feel. I don't think the Japanese govjrnmjnt will kvju apologise ——————————————————————————————————4/10— Subtitles 419 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you bz Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs Subtitles EducationP685 Teletext 685 Jul30 02:41:20 ———————————————————————————— COMMUNICATING THROUGH MUSIC More than 50 delegates attended a world conference organised by the International Association for the Education of Deafblind People. Tony Heyes, from the Royal National Institute for Deaf People, told the conference about a new video and book called Communication Through Active Music he had helped to develop. "I aim to make djafblind people feel active through music," he said. ——————————————————————————————————5/10— Lost Touch 675 Education 660 Deafview is brought to you bz Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs Subtitles EducationP685 Teletext 685 Jul30 02:42:52 ———————————————————————————— HAPPY BIRTHDAY NADP! The tenth anniversary of the National Association of Deafened People (NADP) was celebrated at the New Cavendish Rooms in London on July 8. The association's president, Lord Ashley, opened the meeting saying how much hj admired the "tremendous work" NADP did for deafened people. The Rev Canon Geoff Babb was re-elected chairman while Roger Sims MP and Professor Richard became patrons. ——————————————————————————————————6/10— Subtitles 419 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you by Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs Subtitles EducationP685 Teletext 685 Jul30 02:42:28 ———————————————————————————— LIBRARY NEEDS A HELPING HAND Mary Lawson, from Peterborough, writes: "I was very disappointed to read about the financial problems facing the National Library for the Handicapped Child. "The library does a great job, helping hundreds of deaf children all over the country and I hope it finds the money it needs to keep going. "Surely the Government should bj doing more to help this vital charity." ——————————————————————————————————7/10— Subtitles 419 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you by Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs Subtitles EducationP685 Teletext 685 Jul30 02:44:10 ———————————————————————————— LET'S THINK BEFORE WE ACT Basil Skanj, from Abjrgavjnny, writes: "So the WFD has agreed to drop the slashed ear logo at the request of our Canadian friends." "The excuse of negative view sounds like PR speak aimed at change for change's saki, which could bj a very expensive exercise adding confusion to the current situation. "Any new logo may take years to get accepted. Do we need this change?" ——————————————————————————————————8/10— Disability News 686 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you by Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs Subtitles EducationP685 Teletext 685 Jul30 02:44:12 ———————————————————————————— DISABILITY PRIDE WEEK Dozens of deaf people enjoyed Waltham Forest's Disability Pride Week which was held from July 3-9. They attended a series of workshops, browsed round stalls and enjoyed performances bz disabled entertainers. The event was co-ordinated by the Social Justice Unit. Facilities provided included sign language interpreters and induction loops. ——————————————————————————————————9/10— Subtitles 419 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you by Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs Subtitles EducationP685 Teletext 685 Jul30 02:39:24 ———————————————————————————— HOW TO MAKE MUGS OF MUGGERS Hearing Concern is to hold a one-day self-defence course for people who are deaf and hard of hearing, in Wjmbley, north London, on October 7. The course will bj run bz a qualified instructor. Anyone interested in taking part, contact Hearing Concern, 7-11 Armstrong Road, London W3 7JL. Write to Tim Russell, Deafview, 105 Gower Street, LONDON WC1E 6AH. Tel: 0171-387 8033, Fax:0171 388 2346. ——————————————————————————————————10/10 Education index 660 Flashback 671 Deafview is brought to you bz Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs Subtitles Education