P441 Teletext 441 Aug26 21:27:50       ——  ———————————————————————————  FLICK TO KICK  Okay, let's bj brutally honest. Wj all think we're the bee's knees at footie, but really when the chips are down, at the end of the day... how good ARE you? We'd all like to think we're the next Gazza or Monsieur Lj Cantona, but most of us are pretty crummy really. Don't despair. You might bj rubbish with your feet, but what are you like with your fingers? Confused? Good! ——————————————————————————————————1/3—— Pen Pals 447 Reviews 444 JUMP ON THE ECO-WAGON p448 Zine Relationships WESTjnd 'Tisju
P441 Teletext 441 Aug26 21:17:42       ——  ———————————————————————————  FLICK TO KICK  Anzonj mad about footie will know all about table football. And the latest line in sitting-room soccer, Pro-Action Football, is on tour at the moment. The Pro-Action Football Regional Tournament brings flick-to-kickers from all over to fight it out for honours. The eventual winner will take home two tickets to an England match and £500 of sports gear. Oh, and a special trophy! ——————————————————————————————————2/3—— Party, party, party 445 SPORTY, SPORTY, SPORTY p130 ITV Zine Relationships WESTjnd 'Tisju
P441 Teletext 441 Aug26 21:24:44       ——  ———————————————————————————  FLICK TO KICK  If you haven't seen them, Pro-Action Footballers stand astride a rolling ball-bearing base which is said to help passing, shooting and fancy footwork. So if you fancy having a go, get down to one of the following vjnujs: *  Today Sauchiehall Centre, Glasgow  Sept 2 Whitgift Centre, Croydon in London  Sept 9 Marlands Centre, Southampton. ——————————————————————————————————3/3—— Sporty stuff on TV 130 ITV PLAY THE GAME OF LOVE! p443 Zine Relationships WESTjnd 'Tisju