P687 Teletext 687 Aug26 21:04:05          ————————————— ON SATURDAY   WELCOME TO GODLINES ON 687! —————————— Each day on 687 you can find a Text, a Prayer & a Meditation. Today's Meditation is by Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Both this meditation & today's prayer were originally devised as part of a service for South Africa; but can with added meaning focus on the refugees in Zaire & Rwanda. The full service is available from USPG: 157 Waterloo Rd, London SE1 8XA ——————————————————————————————————1/4— Missing 346 ITV Lost Touch 675 LATEST NEWS HEADLINES p300 (ITV) Teletext Lost Touch Finance Education
P687 Teletext 687 Aug26 21:24:24          ————————— SATURDAY'S TEXT   Galatians 3 v 17 ————————————————————— "My point is this: a testament, or covenant, has already been validated bz God; a law made 430 years later cannot invalidate it & so render its promises ineffective." Paul has compared the promise made by God to Abraham to a will. A will can bj changed, but cannot bj altered bz a later law. For Paul, the Law given through Moses doesn't mean God has changed his mind. ——————————————————————————————————2/4— Help trace a missing person! 346 ITV LOOS AFTER THE PLANET: GO GREEN p460 Teletext Lost Touch Finance Education
P687 Teletext 687 Aug26 21:15:58          ——————— SATURDAY'S PRAYER   FOR A NEW START —————————————————————— Forgive us, your children, Lord, for our lack of confidence in you, for our lack of hope in your reign; for our lack of faith in your presence, for our lack of trust in your mercy. Break us where we are proud, make us where we are weak, shame us where we trust in ourselves: name us where we have lost ourselves. ——————————————————————————————————3/4— Lost Touch 675 Service Pals 676 LATEST NEWS HEADLINES p300 (ITV) Teletext Lost Touch Finance Education
P687 Teletext 687 Aug26 21:10:46          ———————————— FOR SATURDAY   LOOKING AHEAD ———————————————————————— Wj need to cherish visions of a land whose people are knitted together as one; of a land that is repentant; that is forgiven & forgiving: where justice will flow like a river. Visions of a land where we will discover that we were created for fellowship, togetherness, love, joy, peace, reconciliation, compassion. ——————————————————————————————————4/4— Lost Touch 675 Service Pals 676 LATEST NEWS HEADLINES p300 (ITV) Teletext Lost Touch Finance Education