P422 Teletext 422 Nov 3 23:37:49    AND     DOCUMENTARIES    ————————————————————————————  FRIDAY 17.00 CH4 CUTTING EDGE Victims and perpetrators recount some chilling instances of 'road rage', including one man whose wife saw him crushed beneath the wheels of a lorry. 18.30 CH4 MOVIEWATCH Amateur critics review new political thriller Crimson Tide with Denzjl Washington and Gene Hackman, romantic comjdz French Kiss starring Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline, and David Caruso's chiller Jade. ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— Subtitles 419 TV tonight 421 WHAT'S ON AT THE LOCAL THEATRE? p632 TV Plus Club 440 Grooves Education
P422 Teletext 422 Nov 3 23:34:17    AND     DOCUMENTARIES    ————————————————————————————  FRIDAY 19.15 BBC2 FOOTBALL, FUSSBALL, VOETBAL How British teams took their first steps into European club football, chronicling Manchester United's ill-fated 1958 campaign, and Celtic's victory over Inter Milan in 1967. ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— TV Plus 410 Schedule slicer 420 OPERA, BALLET, CLASSICAL MUSIC p636 TV Plus Club 440 Grooves Education