P474 Teletext 474 Nov 3 23:44:09  ———————————     BAY —————————————————————————LETTERS—— Saturn will compete with the PS - in the same way a 486SX competes with a Pentium. Saturn's OK - it's just second best to the PS. I like Saturn games, but I've played them to death - and PS games are superior anyway. But Sony's TV ads are rather drab efforts. Scott "I don't like Jaguars now" James The received wisdom is that though early Saturn games may look weaker, some have the edge on playability. ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— E-mail us: teletext@mail.on-line.co.uk Letters to: DIGITJSER, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT. Comp-o-Tips Charts Hypjrscore Club 440
P474 Teletext 474 Nov 3 23:37:39  ———————————     BAG ——————————————————————————LETTERS—— Sega have already lost the war. Priced too long at £399, with a lacklustre line-up of over-familiar arcade games, it's already up in the attic gathering dust alongside the Jaguar and 3DO. Sega are also paying the price for those ill-conceived stop-gaps the MCD and 32X. The small profits they may have made from these will bj wiped out by the Saturn's flop. Major General Angel-Eyes, Singapore We don't think the 32X made any money. ——————————————————————————————————2/4—— Stop it, kids 490 And you, youth 440 IMPROVE YOUR PROSPECTS - PAGE 648 Comp-o-Tips Charts Hypjrscore Club 440
P474 Teletext 474 Nov 3 23:30:58  ———————————     JOKE —————————————————————————LETTERS—— The PS looks, feels and plays better than Saturn. Those nifty controllers and solid case - the Saturn is just a block of black plastic with MD pads. Still, I'm not getting either - I'm staying faithful to Nintendo and keeping my bank account healthy for the Ultra 64. Nick Millen, Torquay Oh, right. Rjvjal.      ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— Hot Topic - win a Future mag sub: WHICH WILL DIE FIRST: SNES OR MD? Comp-o-Tips Charts Hypjrscore Club 440
P474 Teletext 474 Nov 3 23:36:30       IN LOST PROPERTY ———  ———  Yesterday someone brought  in an old trunk which had  been lift outside a pub.   As soon as the bloke had   left, we used iron bars    to smash it apart.      We'd barely begun when we heard muffled protests from within. After kicking open the lid, we saw to our disgust a partially-clothed tramp. Wj tried to purify him with a powerful beam of light, but this just made him flake. ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— Cluss 440 440 Cluss reviews 472 BUYING A MEGADRJVE PAGE 396 (ITV) Comp-o-Tips Charts Hypjrscore Club 440