P483 Teletext 483 Nov 3 23:47:08       —————————————————————————    bz FRED STRICKLAND Nov 4/5 ——————————————————————————————————————— WEEKEND JOBS Greenhouses Insulate with bubble polythene, available in most garden centres. Forced bulbs Check they are not getting mouldy. If so, they may respond to a fungicide. Increase ventilation, while still keeping them dark. Heavy soil Dig roughly: the frost can break it down over winter. ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— Drive safely with wildlife in mind 463 TELETEXT CLASSIFIED INDEX p350 (ITV) Lottery Stars Recipe Offers
P483 Teletext 483 Nov 3 23:18:22       —————————————————————————    bz FRED STRICKLAND Nov 4/5 ——————————————————————————————————————— WEEKEND JOBS Brassicas Pigeons can quickly wreck young cabbage or brussjl sprouts plants. Cover with bird netting. Winter cauliflowers You can half- break and fold two outer leaves over the curds to protect them from frost. Chicon chicory If you lifted roots earlier, plant two or three in a deep pot and grow them on in the dark. ——————————————————————————————————2/5—— When the US thought Mars had landed 671 HANDLING HUT WITH HERBS p673 Lottery Stars Recipe Offers
P483 Teletext 483 Nov 3 23:16:17       —————————————————————————    bz FRED STRICKLAND Nov 4/5 ——————————————————————————————————————— BARE ROOT PLANTS Plant now While the soil is still warm the roots will re-establish themselves. The plants will grow better spring than if planted later. Moving plants For this reason it is best to move deciduous plants now. Do it as soon as the leaves drop. In dry areas Damp the soil until it crumbles or use compost. Water in well. ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— Nick can ease teenage heartache 446 ENJOY THE ART OF ANTIQUES FAIR p672 Lottery Stars Recipe Offers
P483 Teletext 483 Nov 3 23:36:36       —————————————————————————    bz FRED STRICKLAND Nov 4/5 ——————————————————————————————————————— SOWING Broad beans Sow Aquadulce, or one of its varieties, for an early crop. Dwarf Broad bean The Sutton This can be grown under cloches over winter. Suitable for small gardens. Peas You can sow Meteor or Feltham first, especially in cold areas. Germination is better now than in a cold spring. Protect against mice. ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— Fun & Games 450 MAKE MUSIC WITH A MICRO HI-FI! p627 Lottery Stars Recipe Offers
P483 Teletext 483 Nov 3 23:37:27       —————————————————————————    bz FRED STRICKLAND Nov 4/5 ——————————————————————————————————————— CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Pistol Grip tools The handles are nearly at right angles to the tool. No need to bend the wrists for using these hand tools. Really easy to use, but especially good for weak wrists. Ideal gifts For these and others such as ambidextrous nail scissors write to Pita (US) Ltd, Marks Hall Lane, Margaret Roding, Chelmsford, CM6 1QT. 01245 231811. ——————————————————————————————————5/5—— Weekend index 480 My weekend 482 OFFERS: A SELECTION OF BEERS p488 Lottery Stars Recipe Offers