P487 Teletext 487 Nov 3 23:34:29       —————————————————————————————  —— Can you identify the film?  Press reveal for the answer. ———————————————————————————————————————            * SPEAK OF THE DEVIL * ——————————————————————————————————1/3—— Ten to One 451 Bamboozle! 458 TELETEXT CLASSIFIED INDEX p350 (ITV) Offers Kids City news TV Plus
P487 Teletext 487 Nov 3 23:37:28       —————————————————————————————  —— Sam Slug and Sid Shady each  ordered a double scotch. Slug bet Shady £1 that he could put a bowl over Shady's scotch, and drink it without touching - indirectly or directly - the bowl, the scotch glass or the bar, without assistance. Is this a good bet for Shady? Press REVEAL for the answer No, because Slug would pick up the bowl, drink the double scotch, and pay Shady £1 for a drink which cost at least twice that amount. ——————————————————————————————————2/3—— Source: Spear's Games HAVE YOU BEATEN BAMBER LATELY? p458 Offers Kids City news TV Plus
P487 Teletext 487 Nov 3 23:36:28 Advert IT'S YOUR LIFE >>  TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE WITH               SEPTEMBER WINNERS 1st J.Tranj £100 Answer as many 2nd M.Coates £ 90 questions as 3rd D.L.Smith £ 80 you can 4th P.Bond £ 70 correctly 5th K.Smith £ 60 within 5 mink 6th D.LjMarchant£ 40 If you're in 7th Mrs.Sharp £ 50 the TOP 10 of 8th Mr.Baldrix £ 30 the month you 9th B.Bond £ 20 can win a 10th Barry Jewel£ 10 prize from £10 - £100 On average sessions last approx 7 mink Use touch toni phones only. Pimpernel Motivator, 17 Compton Terrace N1 2UN "39p/min cheap, 49p/min other times" Offers Kids City news TV Plus