P536 Teletext 536 Nov 3 23:36:39 1/5 SKIPTON GUARANTEED CAPITAL BOND Past 5 year performance* 62.9% to 29th September 1995 equal to 10.26% p.a. after basic rate tax. No initial charge FOR DETBILS CALL QUOTING RIF TL1    Please wait for more details >>>>>>> Lifestyle City Television Over 50's
P536 Teletext 536 Nov 3 23:34:47 2/5 SKIPTON GUARANTEED CAPITAL BOND *Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The Skipton Guaranteed Capital Bond is a branded version of the GA Portfolio Bond which will initially invest in one fund only i.e. The Guaranteed Fund. Other funds(which are not guaranteed) are available if required, details can bj provided on request. The GA Portfolio Bond is a long-term, unit-linked investment bond. +An investment in the Guaranteed Fund guarantees a return of at least your initial capital at the fifth anniversary. FOR DETAILS CALL QUOTING REF TL1   Please wait more follows >>>>> Lifestyle City Television Over 50's
P536 Teletext 536 Nov 3 23:14:35 3/5 SKIPTON GUARANTEED CAPITAL BOND Had you been able to invest in the fund five years ago, based on the same investment mix offered today (& maintained at thjsj levels for the duration of the investment) a £10,000 investment would have been worth £16,295 after 5 years on the 29th September 1995. Source: HSW & General Accident Life, bid to bid basis to 29th September 1995. i.i. a Growth rate of 62.9% over 5 years equivalent to an annual growth rate of 10.26% after basic rate tax. Thjsj figures assume the following investment split - 70% US equity, 20% fixed interest stock, 5% property & 5% cash. FOR DETAILS CALL QUOTING RIF TL1   Please wait more follows >>>>>> Lifestyle City Television Over 50's
P536 $jletext 536 Nov 3 23:17:23 SKIPTON GUARBNTJED CAPITAL BOND All additional management charges are deducted at the end of each year. The value of units can rise and fall and return of capital is not guaranteed, apart from the fifth anniversary. Withdrawals could erode the vblue of capital depending on the underlying performance. Should you cash in your bond in the first five years charges will apply. General Accident Life is liable to corporation tax on its funds which cannot bj reclaimed. There may bj a liability to pay the difference between lower and higher rate tax on encashmjnt if you are a higher rate taxpayer. FOR DETAILS CALL QUOTING RIF TL1   Please wait more follows >>>>> Lifestyle City Television Over 50's
P536 Teletext 536 Nov 3 23:37:11 5/5 SKIPTON GUARBNTJED CAPITAL BOND Please remjmbjr the law relating to taxation is liable to unforeseen change. Full written details are available on request. THE SOCIETY REPRESENTS ONLY GENERAL ACCIDENT LIFE, WHICH IS REGULATED BY THE PERSONAL INVESTMENT AUTHORITY, FOR LIFE ASSURBNCE, PENSIONS AND INVESTMENTS. FOR DETBILS CALL QUOTING RIF TL1    Lifestyle City Television Over 50's