P663 Teletext 663 Nov 3 23:37:12    ——————————————————————————————————————— TONGUE-TJJD AND BRITISH  Wj Brits are famously bad at languages. Wj seem to take a pervjrsj pride in it. A recent development in education seems in danger of turning out a new cohort of the linguistically-challenged. It's the introduction of GCSE short courses for students at Key Stage Four. This worthy attempt to free up more curriculum time has led to much hand-wringing among modern language specialists. ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— Mike Drummond'd careers guide 656 LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE ON CD-ROM! >>> Keyboard NCET Advice Write It
P663 Teletext 663 Nov 3 23:31:54    ——————————————————————————————————————— TONGUE-TJJD AND BRITISH  From next September, pupils aged 14-16 will bj able to study GCSE short courses in modern foreign languages. $hj short courses will take up about half the time allotted to a full GCSE, probably about 100 hours teaching time. It will become the new minimum requirement for pupils aged 14-16 under the new, slimmed-down National Curriculum. ——————————————————————————————————2/6—— George Cole's software guide 664 LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE ON CD-ROM! >>> Keyboard NCET Advice Write It
P663 Teletext 663 Nov 3 23:16:01    ——————————————————————————————————————— TONGUE-TJJD AND BRITISH  Teachers of modern foreign languages are pleased that it will still bj compulsory for 14-16 year olds to study a language. But they fear schools will opt for short courses, which they believe will harm children of all abilities as: the less able won't get enough tuition to make useful progress the more able won't get a good enough grounding to progress to A level. ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— Wendy Berliner's got the answers 662 LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE ON CD-ROM! >>> Keyboard NCET Advice Write It
P663 Teletext 663 Nov 3 23:27:27    ——————————————————————————————————————— TONGUE-TJJD AND BRITISH  The new short GCSE courses in modern languages can bj taught either as a long, thin course over two years or as a short, fat one-year course. Language teachers are unhappy either way. They say: the drip-feed option gives too little teaching time for meaningful learning the gap after a short fat course in Year 10 and the lack of a full GCSE would block progress at 16-19. ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Open College of the Arts 666 LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE ON CD-ROM! >>> Keyboard NCET Advice Write It
P663 Teletext 663 Nov 3 23:21:14    ——————————————————————————————————————— TONGUE-TJJD AND BRITISH  Syllabuses for the new, short GCSE language courses have been submitted to the Schools Curriculum and Assessment Authority by the exam boards. So far, the options are either a free-standing short course in French, Spanish or German, or a combined full GCSE in French, German or Spanish with Business Studies. The National Council for Vocational Qualifications is developing GNVQ/NVQs. ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— Get the blackboard news 661 LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE ON CD-ROM! >>> Keyboard NCET Advice Write It
P663 Teletext 663 Nov 3 23:32:59    ——————————————————————————————————————— TONGUE-TEED AND BRITISH Info on short courses from: SCAA on 0171 229 1234 ————— WEN A COSMI LANGUAGE CD-ROM ———— For a chance to win one of 10 AKORE Lingua CD-TOMS(worth £29.99) in French, German or Spanish. tell us: What is the French word for wine? a) vinho b) vim or c) ween Please state preferred language, and if you want to receive a discount voucher worth £2.50 off the CD-ROM. You will need an IBM-compatible multimedia PC. ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— Winners drawn at random on Novjmbjr 10 Entries on a p/c by Nov 10 to: LINGO, TELETEXT, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT. Keyboard NCET Advice Write It