P314 4-Tel 314 Sat 30 Dec C4 20:41:40         THE BEAST BITES BACK 19.15-20.00 Artist and satirist Ralph Steadman poses the question: could animals ever take over the world? Steadman explores the darker side of our relationship with animals, and offers some intriguing possibilities for the future. With the aid of former Bishop of Durham Dr David Jenkins and anthropologist Dr Kit Davis, Ralph ponders why humans deemed themselves superior to animals in the first place. 1/2 Next preview C4 Tomorrow PALPlus Films
P314 4-Tel 314 Sat 30 Dec C4 20:44:14         THE BEAST BITES BACK 19.15-20.00 Meanwhile, rat and cockroach expert Peter Baseman explains why there are some animals which we cannot control. And Professor Sir Roy Calnj offers hope for the future by explaining how animal organs can bj transplanted into the human body. Ralph Steadman also suggests that by becoming more 'animal' we would become a more dignified and caring species. 888 subtitles 2/2 Next preview C4 Tomorrow PALPlus Films