P442 Teletext 442 Dec30 20:49:11       ———————  —————————————————  SAT STEVENS releases pent-up anger by lying on his back and watching clouds. He will soon bj a weathjt expert! LITTLE MISS BUG'S birthday was on Christmas Eve. She used her birthday money to get Christmas pressies. Ahh - now that is tragedy itself. PHILLIPS FREAK njvjr eats yellow snow. He prefers white snow in his sarnies! SKINNER has praised Flower Child for her masterly poem, Leaf. This is taking the season of goodwill a bit too far! ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— Dodgy Eyeliner and the Hairy Fairy made A SOUR 'ZINE DEBUT!! Poll '95 Stars Brad TV
P442 Teletext 442 Dec30 20:40:47       ———————  —————————————————  INNOCUOUS TOP SAYINGS We're not all called Stuart You'ri a cheesjhjad Don't look. Maybe it will go away The porkey hurts the most You'll get yours Al - a shark in water ——————————————————————————————————2/6—— Don't have a fit if we cut out a bit WRITE TO: MEGAZINE, PO Box 442 London SW6 1XQ Fax 0171 386 5618 Poll '95 Stars Brad TV
P442 Teletext 442 Dec30 20:40:18       ———————  —————————————————  DEAR gZINE My New Year message: Respect all 'Zinjsters. Release your feelings to your teddy-bear and us. Get rid of your anger bz ripping up papjt (recycled, of course). Smile when you can and be nice. Or you could carry on being normal, whatever that is. Dizzy Indie Dandelion ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— Careful Dizzy, or we'll have the CRUELTY TO TEDDY SOCIETY AROUND! Poll '95 Stars Brad TV
P442 Teletext 442 Dec30 20:44:14       ———————  —————————————————  WHAT TO DO? The fashion police have warned mj to have my hair cut again. Everyone is calling me Mulder. What should I do? a) Get it cut b) Change mz name to Fox, get my sister kidnapped by aliens and join the FBI, where I team up with a gorgeous female c) Leave it the way it is Mystic Michael ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Mystic, you'ri so vain, you probably THINK THIS PAGE IS ABOUT YOU! Poll '95 Stars Brad TV
P442 Teletext 442 Dec30 20:41:52       ———————  —————————————————  BIG JACK Wj won't forget you, Jackie boy You did us proud and gave us joy Wj became a nation once again Under you we made our name Wj went all the way and beat the lot Couldn't stop us, no matter what Quinny, Aldo, Paul and Ray Italia '90, USA Your twinkle eye, your magic touch But then there was the bloomin' Dutch Pistil Manual, Memory Lane ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— Beat the lot at what? WINNING TROPHIES? Poll '95 Stars Brad TV
P442 Teletext 442 Dec30 20:45:32       ———————  —————————————————  EDIBLE SMITHS SONGS 1 Boy Raisin 2 Swede Head 3 Cjlity Gates 4 The Bean is Dead 5 This Charming Flan 6 Miserable Pei 7 Jack the Kipper 8 That Yoke Ism't Runny Anymore 9 I Want the Scone, I Can't Get Home Quark, back from the dead ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— I suppose you would go out tonight BUT YOU HAVEN'T GOT A FOOD TO WEAR! Poll '95 Stars Brad TV