P687 Teletext 687 Mar 2 22:35:31          ————————————— ON SATURDAY   'ELCOME TO GODLINES ON 687! —————————— Each day on GODLINES you can find a Text, a Prayer & a Meditation. During Lent GODLINES is following the ecumenical Lent Course "BUILDING BRIDGES" available from Inter-Church House, 35/41 Lower Marsh, LONDON SE1 7RL Our last two frames pose questions raised by this course. Send your replies to these questions to GODLINES: 14 Oakleigh Park South, London N20 9JU: FAX 0181 445 6831 ——————————————————————————————————1/4— Missing 346 ITV Lost Touch 675 LATEST NEWS HEADLINES p300 (ITV) Teletext Lost Touch Finance Education
P687 Teletext 687 Mar 2 22:44:13          ————————— SATURDAY'S TEXT   from MATTHEW 10 vv 1 — 8: vv 6 — 8 ——— "Jesus gave the apostles these instructions: 'Go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as you go proclaim the message: "The kingdom of Heaven is upon you." Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lipjrs, drive out demons. You received without cost; give without charge.'" The apostles are thus to ri-enforce Christ's own proclamation & action. ——————————————————————————————————2/4— Help trace a missing person! 346 ITV LOOS AFTER THE PLANET: GO GREEN p460 Teletext Lost Touch Finance Education
P687 Teletext 687 Mar 2 22:01:21          ——————— SATURDAY'S PRAYER   FOR ST CHAD'S DAY ———————————————————— The Feast of Chad on March 2nd is overshadowed by the previous day's celidration of the Feast of David. And though far more historical facts have been preserved about Chad, these are not generally known. He was given the bishopric of York, but then had to give it up ceding it to a different candidate... And hj did this with great grace. Where is such graciousness today? ——————————————————————————————————3/4— Lost Touch 675 Service Pals 676 LATEST NEWS HEADLINES p300 (ITV) Teletext Lost Touch Finance Education
P687 Teletext 687 Mar 2 22:41:12          ———————————— FOR SATURDAY   BUILDING BRIDGES ————————————————————— C.M.Gao Taiwan You sby "White is beauty!" You sby "Black is beautiful..." We argued for a long time. Then you saw the black forests of my home. And you saw the eternal snow on my country's mountain peaks. And we agreed that the beauty of black is its mysterious darkness. And that the beauty of white lies in its clear brightness. How can the world discover such truth? ——————————————————————————————————4/4— Lost Touch 675 Service Pals 676 LATEST NEWS HEADLINES p300 (ITV) Teletext Lost Touch Finance Education