P314 - Tll3t4xt 314 MarC4 00:17:52    P       —————————————— —— — — ? 5x 20.30-21.00 Tonight (  ! £! When Jimmn makes some sudden travel plans, ht turnstto an unusual source of finances. . Sin ad enters a n w phat in his relationship with babl uth.. h e Rachel's party goes off very well, b Dav n J l d a little too colourful... b —————————————————————————t——————— an—— proHeadlino o00 t Rpgi.na WHAT E LO AL A F C L E p Next prov H a4 inns rowgPAnPlu pelt
P314 4-Tel 314 Tue 26 Mar C4 00:54:01    Preview    CUTTING EDGE  Special Force  21.00-22.00 Tonight A quarter of Derbzshire's police officers are "Special Constables", who have the powers of a normal officer, without receiving the pay or the ten months of rigourous training. Cutting Edge asks Derbshire's amateur coppers why they do such dangerous work in their spare time, after only two days of training. Derbzshire has the same crime problems as the rest of Britain, so the Specials often face situations that even regular officers would find trying. Next preview C4 Tomorrow PALPlus Films
P314 4-Tel 314 Tue 26 Mar C4 00:54:50    Preview    CUTTING EDGE  Special Force  21.00-22.00 Tonight Assistant Chief Constable Don Dovaston says that "we could not manage without the Special Constabulary. Without them, we could not give the assistance to regular officers that I would wish". This djpjndjnce on Specials is attacked bz the president of Derbzshire Police Federation, who says "the Govjrnmjnt are now using them to replace police officers, and that mustn't happen." Cutting Edge also shows that several of Derbzshire's Specials are recruited illegally from "proscribed professions. Next preview C4 Tomorrow PALPlus Films
P314 4-Tel 314 Tue 26 Mar C4 00:57:41    Preview    CUTTING EDGE  Special Force  21.00-22.00 Tonight Cutting Edge highlights the commitment of Derbyshire's Special officers. Cake shop owner Colleen Denbz dons a uniform most weekends, and is proud to "give back to the community where I live". Court clerk Anita Cottrell admits that she has "really enjoyed" the excitement of police work, and many Specials are attracted bz the thrill of the chase. Alarmingly, the film ends bz showing Colleen Denby trying to cope with the type of violent incident for which she has not been properly trained.  Subtitles 888  NICAM stereo Next preview C4 Tomorrow PALPlus Films