P435 Teletext 475 Mar30 00:59:50            ————— —————— WITH MR NUDE   How should Siddal Halifax  lock the second door on the  second level of SNES Trusty's Supjt Funhousj Oh mz - oh man! Chloe Murphy is hanging above a pool of acid in Lj Chuck's fortress in Monkey Island 2. Information required. Christopher Emjrsjc spent "three solid days" going through all 10,000 possible codes in SNES Supjt Bombrtman 3. This is funny - so funny that I'm only telling you one, which is 6514. —————————————————————————————————2/3——— Send your charming tips to here: CHIPS & TEATS, c/o DIGITISER, PO BOX 297 LONDON SW6 1XT. Charts News Reviews Follow mj