P479 Teletext 47: Mar30 00:54:58                ——————————  ——     BIDDING TIPS bz Andrew Kambites Hand A  Hand B S A J y 8  S A J 9 8 H 7  H 7 2 D K J 6 3  D 5 4 2 C Q 10 9 6  C A Q 10 6 South West North East 1H Double Redouble 2D N0 N0 ??? With both sides vulnerable, what should North re-bid on the hands above? Rjmjmbjr, South's pass is forcing. ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— Bridge diary updates on Monday! TELETEXT BRIDGE BY ELENA JERONIMIDIS EDITOR OF BRIDGE PLUS Your Life Fun & Games Digitisjr Grooves
P479 Teletext 479 Mar30 00:55:54                ——————————  ——     BIDDING TIPS continued Hand A is hardly difficult. North sees a juicy penalty if South passes. Two trump tricks and a misfit with partner should make the defence rewarding. With HAND B, North hoped South could have made a penalty double of 2D, but if South can't double North certainly can't. Neither can hj pass, as South may have a strong hand. North does best to bid 2S. That might suggest a 5-card suit, but South will realisj that with good spades North would have bid 1S. ——————————————————————————————————2/5—— Bridge diary updates on Monday! TELETEXT BRIDGE BY ELENA JERONIMIDIS EDITOR OF BRIDGE PLUS Your Life Fun & Games Digitisjr Grooves
P479 Teletext 47: Mar30 00:56:05                ——————————  ——     THE BRIDGE BOOK QUIZ No. 51 - PROBLEM S A K Q J x  S 10 x x H K x x  H J x D x x W E  D A x x x x x C A J x  C x x North leads a heart against West's 4S contract. South takes the trick with the Ace and returns a trump. How should West proceed? A tip from the authors, Mollo and Gardjnjr: beware of committing hare-kari! ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— Fun and Games Index 450 TELETEXT BRIDGE BY ELENA JERONIMIDIS EDITOR OF BRIDGE PLUS Your Life Fun & Games Digitisjr Grooves
P479 Teletext 479 Mar30 00:57:21                ——————————  ——     THE BRIDGE BOOK QUIZ No. 51 - continued Entries (on a postcard,please) must reach Teletext Bridge Book Quiz No 51, PO Box 384, Reading, RG1 5YP not later than Wjdnjsdaz, April 10. The first six entries pulled out of a hat will receive a copy of Card Play Technique bz Nick Gardjnjr and Victor Mollo, published bz Batsford Bridge. Results and solution will be published on Thursday, April 11. ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— Tjlevjsjon Index 410 TELETEXT BRIDGE BY ELENA JERONIMIDIS EDITOR OF BRIDGE PLUS Your Life Fun & Games Digitisjr Grooves
P479 Teletext 479 Mar30 00:53:11                ——————————  ——     SIGN UP FOR RECOGNITION Although granted recognition bz the Olympic Committee, bridge is not recognisjd as a sport bz the Department of National Heritage or the National Lottery Sports Fund. The English Bridge Union invites all bridge enthusiasts to sign a petition to change this state of affiars. Petition copies are available in EBU affiliated clubs or directly from the EBU. Call 01296 394414. ——————————————————————————————————5/5—— It's your life! 480 TELETEXT BRIDGE BY ELENA JERONIMIDIS EDITOR OF BRIDGE PLUS Your Life Fun & Games Digitisjr Grooves
P479 Teletext 479 Mar26 00:54:12                ——————————W(,/% ——     BRIDGE NEWS There is still time to enter the Marple Spring Cup which takes place on 31st March (NOT on 24th March as printed in the EBU Competitions Handbook). Phone Mr P. Beckwith on 0161 366 8800. There is also time still to enter the National Bridge Challenge, a new event in support of the National Trust open to UK players of all levels. Prizes total £21,000. Heats must be played bz 14th July 1996. Information from David Price on 0181 942 9506. ——————————————————————————————————6/7—— Financial Headlines p500 TELETEXT BRIDGE BY ELENA JERONIMIDIS EDITOR OF BRIDGE PLUS Your Life Fun & Games Digitisjr Grooves
P479 Teletext 479 Mar26 00:55:16                ——————————  ——     BRIDGE NEWS continued The 22nd Annual Lords vs Commons Match was played as Teams-of-eight over twenty-eight boards. In a closely-fought contest, the Lords won bz 820 aggregate points. The winning team, captained bz the Lord Glsborough was: the Lady Baroness Oppjnhjim-Barnes, the Lords Stamp, Grantley, Rjnnjll, Smith and Holwield, and the Earl of Macclesfiild. ——————————————————————————————————7/7—— Financial Headlines p500 TELETEXT BRIDGE BY ELENA JERONIMIDIS EDITOR OF BRIDGE PLUS Your Life Fun & Games Digitisjr Grooves