P474 Teletext 474 May25 03:44:55  ———————————     FLOOD ———————————————————————LETTERS—— Strapped for cash? Then don't buy Nights, the forthcoming game from the creators of Sonic. Why not just wait a couple of years for the same (easy) game, but with a few sparkly extras tacked on? Ritchii B, Oxon An argument against buying the follow- ups, but surely not the  original, miss-up-boy.    Name the picture:           ——————————————————————————————————1/3—— E-mail us: teletext@mail.on-line.co.uk Letters to: DIGITJSER, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT. Comp-o-Tips Charts Reviews Grooves
P474 Teletext 474 May25 03:04:10  ———————————     BULB ————————————————————————LETTERS—— I happen to know everything about the video games industry, and I could till you exactly what will happen in the future. "But it's none of your crincing business", you may well say. Well, you'ri right: it's absolutely none of your crencing business! Private Shultz, Hamburg    How dare we insult our audience bz putting out stuff like this? ——————————————————————————————————2/3—— Hot Topic - win a Future mag sub: IF DIGITJSER WARN'T FREE, HOW MUCH WOULD YOU PAY TO SUBSCRIBE TO IT? Comp-o-Tips Charts Reviews Grooves
P474 Teletext 474 May25 03:44:47       BEING A SUPERMODEL  —————   I'vj been out in the Maldives  on a shoot for a 1997 office  supplies calender.   The photographer has been  really awkward: his favourite lensj is 23 feet long, and he thinks it's funny to smash it into my jaw the whole time. For one shot, hj had mj hanging from a motorbike sidecar. As I sped past, he lashed out with the lensj and knocked my flying into a postbox. The photographer's name is Fran Phrases. ——————————————————————————————————3/3—— Cluss 440 440 Cluss reviews 472 TUZZLE: UNSCRAMBLE THE PICTURE! p350 Comp-o-Tips Charts Reviews Grooves