P368 4-Tel 368 Sat 1 Jun C4 03:54:54    NBA Basketball on Channel 4   NBA 24/7  Thursdays 18.00 - 18.30  Saturdays 10.30 - 11.00 rps Saturday 1 James Belushi invites presenter Mark Webster to his LA home to talk about acting, his latest film Race With the Sun and his love of sport generally. But hj has one particularly passionate love affair - with his hometown heroes Chicago Bulls. Inside the NBA magazine is now in the shops at £2.50 or you may order direct by telephoning 0171 375 3897 1/2 C4Today PriviewIndex Films RightToRjply
P368 4-Tel 368 Sat 1 Jun C4 03:54:59    NBA Basketball on Channel 4   Coverage throughout the week   NBA Raw, Sunday 2 11.20-12.15 The most expensive feet in the world hit the paint as Channel 4 follows the top team from the Western and the Eastern Conferences as they do battle. NBA XXL, Wjdnjsday 5 02.00-05.10 Channel 4 goes live to the NBA championship, when the best of the West meet the cream of the East. 2/2 C4 films Today 306 Tomorrow 307 C4Today PreviewIndex Films RightToRjply