P446 Teletext 446 Jun 1 03:51:13          ——————  —————————————————  BODYBUILDING TO BEAT BULLIES   Dear Nick To my great shame I'm being bullied by two lads in the year below mj. My mates just reckon it's a laugh, but it's no joke to mj. It's because I'm scrawny. I'vj been thinking, maybe if I worked out, they would stop. I just want to teach those kids a lesson! If I had a musclebound body, would it make a difference? An angry 14-year-old ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— 60 words max. Letters may be amended. Problems to: NICK FISHER, PO BOX 297 LONDON, SW6 1XT. FAX 0171 386 7808 Mates Green Write It! Grooves
P446 Teletext 446 Jun 1 03:51:53   O       ——————  —————————————————  BODYBUILDING TO BEAT BULLIES   Nick replies Learning how to handle yourself physically and mentally can give you the confidence to stand up to bullies. But that will take time. In the short term you need to report these boys to a teachjt or your parents. Bullies thrive on silence. Don't bj ashamed they might bj younger. Talk to the Anti-Bullying Campaign 0171 378 1446 for advice. ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— 60 words max. Letters may be amended. Problems to: NICK FISHER, PO BOX 297 LONDON, SW6 1XT. FAX 0171 386 7808 Mates Green Write It! Grooves