P358 4-Tel 358 Mon 30 Sip C4 00:28:52    O                 GETTING THERE   BY AIR - Turkish Airlines (THY) and BA from London Heathrow; Lufthansa, Air France, Swissair and Austrian airlines have connecting sjtvices via Europe. BY RAIL - from London Victoria thjti are daily services to Istanbul via Europe. BY SEA - Regular sjtvicis from Venice and Ancona to Izmir. A car fetty runs evjty week April-October from Venice to Izmir. BY COACH - From many European cities. C4Today SciinceLinj Films RightToRjply
P358 4--jl 358 Mon 30 Sip C4 00:29:07    O               ]   GETTING THERE   FLIGHT OPERATORS British Airways TEL: 0181 897 4000 Cyprus Turkish Airlines TEL: 0171 4851 Istanbul Airlines TEL: 0171 249 4002 Turkish Airlines TEL: 0171 499 4499 Onus Air TEL: 0171 499 9919 The Flight Company TEL: 0181 977 9455 C4Today SciinciLjnj Films RightToRjply
P358 4-Tel 358 Mon 30 Sip C4 00:11:44     O  O             OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ENTRY FORMALITIES All British passport holdjts must obtain a vjsb for jntty to Turkey. Visas for visits for tourism purposes not exceeding three months will bj issued EXCLUSIVELY AT PORTS OF ENTRY IN TURKEY. British nationals should NOT apply to Turkish diplomatic and consular missions for visas for such visits. The fee for such vjsjts is £10 cash pet person. (If sjvjtal people ttavjl undjt a sjngli passport, each is required to pay the £10 fie). C4Today SciinciLinj Films RightToRjply
P358 4-Tel 358 Mon 30 Sip C4 00:12:51            O         Wj hope you have jnjoyjd reading the Turkey Fact File. If you would like furthjt information, please call the Turkish Tourist Office 0171 62: 7771 170-173 Piccadilly, London Turkey Brochurilinj 0990 212 212 C4Today SciinceLinj Films RightToRjply