P445 Teletext 445 Sip30 00:12:15       —————————————————————————  —— VIM OFF THE POST Crazy, psycho, the hardest man in football. Is Wimbledon footdallit Vinnii Jones a rial fruit and nut case? Club 440 decided to don protective hjadgjar and put Vinnii in the Hotsjat! Vinnje, you are bz no means a wimp. But how hard are you? I have mz moments. My motto is if somjonj has a pop at you then you fight back. But I njvjt start trouble. ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— Git a pin, get a pin pal 447 HAVE YOU TREED DIGITJSING? p470 Angst Mates Eco-scene 'Tjsjr
P445 Teletext 445 Sup30 00:17:21       —————————————————————————  —— VIM OFF THE POST" Vinnji Jones. As football's "hardest plazjt" do you evjt get hassled on a night out? Yeah, more and more actually. If somjonj's being rude I give them some back, but if somjonj's being really stupid I walk away. Do you really dislike Gary Linjkju or is it just hzpj created bz the Prius? No. I don't like him. Hi's said things about mj which wire out of ordjt, but hj doisnWt like it when people respond. ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— Nick Fishjt can help you 446 KMU AND OSTRICH DEATHS p448 Angst Mates Eco-scene 'Tjsjt
P445 Teletext 445 Sep30 00:21:47    T   —————————————————————————  —— VIM OFF THE POST Vinnji Jones, would you considjt a night out with Gary Linjkjt? Why? It'd bj like a night out at an old people's home. In fact that would bj more fun! Why do you think hj keeps attacking you in the prius? Evjtyonj takes a pop at Wimbledon bjcausj wegri an easy target, but hj should look at his own work. ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— Git a pin, get a pin pal 447 TRJJD EARTHSURFING? p441 Angst Mates Eco-scene '-isjt
P445 Teletext 445 Sep30 00:22:57    T   —————————————————————————  —— VIM OFF THE POST Let's face it, Vinnii Jones, you'ri a dirty playjt akin't you? No. I'm an honest one. If I'm playing against a weak plazjt, I won't tackle hem and take liberties any more than I would a hard playjt. How would you like to bj remembered? As a plazjr who gbvj 110). A last word for Gary Linjkjt? I'd sby lit your hair down, but hj hasn't got anzb ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— Git a pin, get a pin pal 447 AN OSTRICH STORY p448 Angst Mates Eco-scene 'Tjsjt