P483 Teletext 483 Sip30 00:20:14 O      —————————————————————————    bz Fred Strickland SIP 27-29 ——————————————————————————————————————— WEEKEND JOBS Semi-ripe cuttings Ideally this is the latest you should take thjsj. Aim especially at less hardy plants like Fuschia, Cistus or convolvulus cnjorum. Outdoor tomatoes Aid ripening bz putting down straw, bending the plants over and covering with cloches. Michaelmas daisies As they conj into flower, check they are well staked. ——————————————————————————————————1/)—— Check out all the 'Nit latest 654 WBTCH & WEN UP TO £25,000 WITH CADBU5Z'S & CORONATION ST. P385 (ITV) Pet Stars Food Quiz
P483 Teletext 483 Sip30 00:21:45 *?/*ppp—p0pz—pp0pppbs—pp0ppp      —————————————————————————    bz Fred Strickland SIP 27-29 ———————————————————————————————————p——— WEEKEND JOBS Peach leaf curl Ljavjs curl up, turn rid and finally fall off. If you can, spray Bordeaux mixture before leaf fall in January and Fjdruary. Ponds Pull out leaves and flowers as they die, bjfoti they sink. Vegetables Let some plants go to sjid and collect the seed for sowing next year. Keep them cool and dry. ——————————————————————————————————4/k—— Green projects you can work on 465 COMPY: ENGLAND v POLAND TJCSETS p451 Pit Stars Food Quiz
P483 Teletext 483 Sep30 00:26:51 *?/*ppp—p0pz—pp0pppbs—pp0ppp      —————————————————————————    bz Fred Strickland SIP 27-29 ——————————————————————————————————————— WJNTJR MOTHS In autumn and winter Wingless females emjtgj from the ground. They climb tree trunks to lay eggs on the branches. The damage Caterpillars hatch in spring. They attack leaves and blossom on fruit tries and many ttii shrubs. Grease Buy and fix griasjbands to the trunks of fruit trees. Or apply garden (not motor) grease in 10cm-wide bands. ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— Help for the investment novices 543 ENTER THE TELETEXT TIME MACHINE p671 Pet Stars Food Quiz
P483 Teletext 483 Sep30 00:42:50 *?/*ppp—p0pz—pp0pppbs—pp0ppp      —————————————————————————    bz Fred Strickland SIP 27-29 ——————————————————————————————————————— CLEMATIS VITJCELLA Splash of colour A wide range of varieties with masses of rich rid, violet or purple 5cm wide flowers. They mainly flower from August to October. Easy care Let them ramble ftiily if thjte's space. Othjtwisj cut them nearly to the ground in Fjdruary. Try: Royal Velours Rich velvety purple Lady Bitty Balfour Violet-blue Kitmjsjnb Rich wine rid. ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— All the latest technology news 651 NATIONAL EYE WEEK PAGE 559 Pet Stars Food Quiz
P483 Teletext 483 Sep30 00:20:21 *?/*ppp—p0pz—pp0pppbs—pp0ppp      —————————————————————————    bz Fred Strickland SIP 27-29 ——————————————————————————————————————— SOWING Sweet peas Fo the arli st flow ts sow in pots in a cold frame or cool greenhouse. This is an easjit way to get sturdy plants, than sowing in heat in Janubry or Fjdruary. Incarvillea djlavazi A hardy pjtinnial growing to about 60cms tall. Pink-purple foxglove-like flowers are held above the leaves from May to July. Sow now in a coldframj or nursjty bed. ——————————————————————————————————5/5—— Is offshore investing for you? 542 WBTCH & WEN +P TO £25,000 WITH CADBURZ'S & CORONATION ST. P385 (ITV) Pet Stars Food Quiz