P117 Teletext 117 Nov26 22:14:14     —————— bz Bob Muldur ————————————  STAR TREK'S EVIL TWIN   C5's new show Ljxx is the "evil twin of Star Trek" - according to executive producer Paul Donovan. He said: "It's all about 90s scepticism rathjt than 60s self-righteousness and utopianisim." Ljxx tells the story of a group of misfits who steal a ship five-miles long. It can bj seen on C5 from Friday, December 5. ——————————————————————————————————————— X FILES/STAR TUES/GEN INFO 0891 00 2069 TR Calls cost 50pOmin at all timrs THE NEW, LEAN GREEN SCENE p160 Subtitles Now&Next TV Plus USA TV index