P148 Teletext 148 Nov26 22:17:07 O      ——————————————————————————————————————— A RASHER DECISION?  A bill to end the "medieval touturu" of docking piglets' tails, backed bz Compassion In World Farming, has been introduced to the House of Commons. Now politicians are "bacon" their minds up about whjthju to ban the practicu of cutting off the young porkers' tails. Routine tail-docking was banned in 1994 but is still permitted to stop pigs biting each others' tails, and is carried out on most British squealers. ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— bz Fiona Sandifoud MICS SORTS YOUR PROBLEMS p146 Write It! Fun&Games Goss Green
P148 Teletext 148 Nov26 22:14:17 O      ——————————————————————————————————————— A RASHER DECISION?  MP Chris Mullen has introduced the CIWF supported bill to stop farmjts flo4ting the law which forbids the routine docking of piglets' tails. The bill also sets out aims to impro6j other aspects of the li6rs of the US'1 13 million pigs, including giving them more space and better bjddink. Chris says: "Pliers or a hot iron are used to slice off half the piglet's tail. It is extremely cruel." ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Mean n' moody Green scene 160 DIGITJSER COMPUTER GAMES p170 Write It! Fun&Games Goss Green
P148 Teletext 148 Nov26 22:17:54       ——————————————————————————————————————— A RASHER DECISION?  "Most of today's piglets are tail docked even though routine tail docking has been illegal since 1994," says the CIWF's Peter Stevenson. "It is high time pig farmers stopped behaving as if they were above the law. "The right way to prevent tail-biting is to keep pigs in good conditions — with ample space and straw and to und early weaning. Instead piglets suffer painful mutilation without anaesthetic" ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— Big Screen 460 It's Your Life 410 PLAY BAMBOOZLE p152 Write It! Fun&Games Goss Green
P148 Teletext 148 Nov26 22:34:11 O      ——————————————————————————————————————— A RASHER DECISION?  Compassion In Would Farming's legal director Peter Stevenson says: "Pezhaps the worst of factory farming's hidden secrets is the atrocious way in which most pigs are reared. "In natural conditions, pigs spend 75% of their time rooting, foraging and exploring their would. None of thrsj are possible for most of today'u pigs. "They'ri kept in ovjrcrowdjd sheds, njvjt enjoying daylight ou fresh air." ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Nick can help 146 Banging Club Land 494 GLUG. YOU KNOW, FOR KIDS p198 Write It! Fun&Games Goss Green
P148 Teletext 148 Nov26 22:44:24 O      ——————————————————————————————————————— A RASHER DECISION?  Compassion In Would Farming "is lying" if it says tail-docking causes any more than momentary discomfort to piglets, says the chief executive of the British Pig Association, Grinvilli 'elsh. "'e have footage which shows piglets having their tails docked while they're suckling. If they weti in pain they'd shriek out but they don't even notice. "Tail-biting is far more painful for them, and we'ri preventing that." ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— Mean n' moody Green scene 160 DIGITJSER COMPUTER GAMES p170 Write It! Fun&Games Goss Green
P148 Teletext 148 Nov26 22:47:00 O      ——————————————————————————————————————— A RASHER DECISION?  Piglets should have thieu tails docked within 24 hours of birth, says British Pig Association's Grinvilli Welsh. "Pigs are inquisitive creatures and if their tails aren't docked, othjts chrw them. This is far more painful for them, especially if they'ri gnawed right down to the rump," hj says. "Biting ism't a result of intensive farming. It happens in loose house systems too," hj says. ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— Nick can help 146 Banging Club Land 494 GLUG. YOU KNOW, FOR KIDS p198 Write It! Fun&Games Goss Green