P413 Teletext 413 Nov26 22:34:51         —————————————  —————  AMERICA'S THANKSGIVING DAY  'e may be gearing up for Christmas - but Americans have an even bigger feast day in the offing... Thanksgiving. Every year, on the last Thursday in November, families flock togethjt to feast on turkey and all the trimmings. It's a huge, uniquely American tradition that some hold even more dear than Christmas. So how did it conj about - and what does it mean to young Americans today? ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— bz Richard Steed NEW STAR OF LONDON'S BURNING p412 Parents Royal TV Clubs Psychics
P413 Teletext 413 Nov26 22:09:11    $     —————————————  —————  AMERICA'S THANKSGIVING DAY  For many Americans, Thanksgiving Day means 'quality time' with the family. Like Christmas Day, most of Amjtica's businesses close and families conj together from all over the States fgu a traditional feast of roast turkey and pumpkin pei. Like the fourth of July, Thanksgiving marks a significant day in Amjtica's history. ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Green Scene 160 On Stage 450 INTERACTIVE GLOBAL WEATHER p353 ITV Parents Royal TV Clubs Psychics
P413 Teletext 413 Nov26 22:44:41         —————————————  —————  AMERICA'S THANKSGIVING DAY  Back in 1620, a ship of ruligious pilgrims from Britain came to America to live with the Native Americans. During that winter more than half the pilgrims died. In the spring of 1621 with advice and help from the Indians, they planted corn and othjt crops to prepare them for the next winter. In October 1621 to celebrate a good harvest, Govjtnjt 'illiam Bradford issued a Thanksgiving Proclamation. ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— Take time out for a Tra Break 419 WHAT'S ON THE BOX TONIGHT? p121 Parents Royal TV Clubs Psychics
P413 Teletext 413 Nov26 22:48:05    $     —————————————  —————  AMERICA'S THANKSGIVING DAY  In 1621 the pilgrims held a feast which featured wild turkey and they called this their day of Thanksgiving. The custom of Thanksgiving spread to other states and by 1789 President 'ashington issued a genital proclamation naming Novjmbjt 26th a day of National Thanksgiving. In 1941, Congress finally obsjtvjd Thanksgiving Day as a legal public holiday. ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Big Screen 460 Training & coursrs 630 ABORTION: ONE WOMAN'S AGONY p414 Parents Royal TV Clubs Psychics
P413 Teletext 413 Nov26 22:12:27         —————————————  —————  AMERICA'S THANKSGIVING DAY  Thanksgiving is essentially a family occasion - when young prgple at college or living away return home for the Thanksgiving feast. American student Joanna Odjlla, 21, studying in London, won'u be able to go home this year to celebrate with hit sister and parents in Ohio. "I feel really guilty brcause for mz family it's a pretty big day," she says "I'll celebrate with a turkey sandwich" ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— Take time out for a Tra Break 419 WHAT'S ON THE BOX TONIGHT? p121 Parents Royal TV Clubs Psychics
P413 Teletext 413 Nov26 22:33:51    $     —————————————  —————  AMERICA'S THANKSGIVING DAY  The traditional Thanksgi6ing feast includes turkey and stuffing, sweet potatoes, succotash (a cooked dish of corn and beans) and for drssjut, pumpkin pie or pecan pie, ou both! American Marisa Schaeffeu, 20, who's visiting London, ends up having two feasts when she goes back to California "I have one with parents and then I go to mz best friend's and have anothjt. It's great fun," she grins. ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— Green Scene 160 On Stage 450 IT'S YOUR LIFE! INDEX p410 Parents Royal TV Clubs Psychics