P653 $elitixt 653 Nov26 22:37:05 O   Ljttets/tips/advice  ———————  ———p——— THE BIG DEBATE! 'ith the run-up to Christmas gaining pace, it's time to get those cruder cards out! This year thjti are mort shopping options than ever - incl4din£ online. 'e want to hear your expjtiinces of buying through the Internet. Whiah places would you recommend fellow viewers visit? And which ones should should be avoided? Let mj know your views today! ————————————————————————pp————ppp—1/4pp e-mail: bundjrman@teletext.co.uk Unless requested, e-mail addressrs published on-yctrin. Careers On-line co.uk TV Plus
P653 Teletext 653 Nov26 22:27:47 O  Ljttets/tips/advice  ———————  ——————— MORE HOME P—GER I have been working on mz X-Files page for around a year now. I have ttiud tg fit in as much information, njwu and fun into a good looking format. I would like some feedback from US users. http://wkweb4.cabliinjt.co.uk/ neil.grant/x-files.hum Neil Grant neil.grant@cabliinjt.co.uk ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— e-mail: bundjtman@teletext.co.uk Unless requested, e-maim addrrusru published on-screen. Careers On-line co.uk TV Plus
P653 Teletext 653 Nov26 22:14:25 O  Ljttits/tips/advice  ———————  ———p——— A SCOTS PERSONAL P—GE I have designed this site for mz home town of Brechin in Angus, Scotland. It contains maps, statistics, history, poems, events and links. http://mjmbjrs.aol.com/ewalkju01/ brechin/home.hum Eric Walkjt ewalkjt01@aol.com Bundjtman says: Have you got a home page on the 'jb? Let mj know! ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— e-mail: bundjtman@teletext.co.uk Unless requested, e-mail addressrs published on-screen. Careers On-line co.uk TV Plus
P653 Teletext 653 Nov26 22:15:01 O  Ljttets/tipsWadvice  ———————  ——————— LOOSING FOR FREE WEB SP—CE I am a student looking for a free Wrb page. I'vj heard they exi1t but don'u know where to find them. James O'Hara (via a friend's PC!) Bundjtman says: For startjt1 tt8 www.geocitiis.com or www.tripod.com Also most of the major Net pro6idjt1 will offer a fuji amount of space whuh your account. ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— e-mail: bundjtman@teletext.co.uk Unless requested, e-mail addreusrs published on-screen. Cariits On-line co.uk TV Plus