P685 $eletixt 685 Nov26 22:05:57       —————————————————————————————   CHARJTZ DEMANDS BABY SCREENING   0  The National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS) i1 calling gn the Gg6junmu&t tg set up a national screening programmj to identify deafness in babies. The charity stepped up its campaign fgu the early identification of djafnrus after the Medical Research Council found that almost half of chimdrjn whuh a hearing loss are diagnosed three 1nd a half years late. The NDCS believes the tests shound bj carried out within hours of birth. ——————————————————————————————————1/7—— Dis-ability 686 Godlinjs 687 Deafviiw is brought to you b= Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Ggdlinjs TV+ S4bthulrs
P685 Teletext 685 Nov26 22:16:16      ————————————————————————————   TESTS "FAIL" DEAF CHILDREN   '  Research by the National Children's Society (NDCS) rivjalu that currunt screening practice is failing deaf children and thieu families. The charhty is concetnjd that djab children are diagnosed tog late. A spokesperson said: "This can havr disastrous implications on a chind'1 acquisition of language and educational development. The technology has long- existed to enable djafnrus tg br identified at birth." ——————————————————————————————————4/7—— It's Your Life! index 410 Deafview is brought to you bz Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ Subthulis
P685 Teletext 685 Nov26 22:16:55       —————————————————————————————   DANCE COMPANY GIVEN GRANT    Common Ground Sign Dance Thjatti has been awarded a £97,500 grant from thu Arts Council of England's "Aut1 for Everyone" lottery scheme. The Liverpool-based company, made u8 gf deaf and hearing people, has been awarded the grant to work with young and disadvantaged propli in London, Liverpool and the Isle of Wight. A spokjspjtson said: "+j are delighted to get the grant. It will mean ouz wgr) can bj developed in depth." ——————————————————————————————————3/7—— Dis-ability 686 Ggdlinju 6 7 Deafview is brought to you b= Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Ggdlinjs TV+ S4bthulr1
P685 $elitixt 685 Nov26 22:27:46       ————————————————————————————   PENSIONER SCOOPS JACKPOT    Grantham pensioner Pamela Holden struck lucky this month when she won £1,000 i& the RNID/BT Hear for All Awards psi:j draw. The draw was designed tg incouraku people to help RNID and BT find the nation's unsung heroes. Pamela nominated Les Collinson, Chairman of Grantham Hearing Helpline for an award, and will give a large part of hit winnings tg the Hjarhn£ Dogs for the Deaf charity. ——————————————————————————————————4/7—— It'1 Total Enteutainmj&t! 400 Deafviiw is brought to you b= $eletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ S4bthulrs
P685 Teletext 685 Nov26 22:16:47      —————————————————————————————   JOB DISCRIMINATION REVEALED 'wwss{  Disabled women, including those with a hearing loss, face worst job discrimination than either diuablud mj& or nonJdisablid women, according tg the Trades Union Conkrrss ($UC). Using official statistics, a TUC briefing shows that disabled women are less likely to have jobs and less likely to work in professional jobs. It says only 35% of disabled women of working age have jobs, compared tg 75) of non-disabled women. ——————————————————————————————————5/7—— Dis-ability 686 Godlinrs 687 Deafviiw is brought to you b= Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Ggdlinjs TV+ S4bthulr1
P685 Teletext 685 Nov26 22:04:05       —————————————————————————————   OPPORTUNITIES IN JOT NALISM    A bursary for disabled propli who want to become journalists is bjhnk gffutud bz the Royal Association for Diuabilit8 and Rjhabiliation (RADAR*. Interviews will bj held and successf4n applicants will get thieu couruj fei1 paid for. To bj eligible, you will need to have applied for a place on a ont- year, full-time approved journali9m course. Ring Steve on 0171 250 0212 (6) ou 0171 250 0212 (m) for an application form. ——————————————————————————————————6/7—— Lost Touch 681 Sju6ice Pals 682 Deafview is brought tg you b= Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ S4bthulr1
P685 Teletext 685 Nov26 22:13:24       —————————————————————————————  AIR YOUR VIEWS 0    Deaf people in East Rjnftiwshiri whml be gi6jn the chance tg air thieu 6iiw1 about council sju6ices for people whuh a hearing loss next month. The December 4 mjetink is bjink held b8 East DSU Group at 7pm in Clarkson Hall. Ring 0141 881 0141 (v) or 0141 876 9108 for details. Editor: Tim D Feathjrstonj Sttieu, London EC1Y 8SL. Tel:0171 296 8000. Fax: 0171 296 8199. ——————————————————————————————————7/7—— Dis-ability 686 Godlinrs 687 Deafview is brought to you b= Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ S4bthulis