P142 Teletext 142 Jan 9 22:11:54       ———————  —————————————————  ANSWERS TO ZIGGURAT'S QUESTIONS WLW is probably a man in his 30s who reads all our letters, broadcasts the best ones and replies to most of them  I expect it was the chicken. You were writing that letter to find the answers to some questions.  Just a yellow blob! It's used to fill space. If you can't remjmbjr the questions everybody, try and find them out. Mackerel (the fish with latitude) ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— Now we need answers to the question "WHAT WAS THE QUESTION AGAIN?" Gossip Music TV Fun&Games
P142 Teletext 142 Jan 9 22:14:48       ———————  —————————————————  TO THE AVERAGE BELIEVER AND PETS PANIC I'm glad you enjoyed the Lightning Seeds so much. ThjyWre great, but couldn't you have kidnapped Terry Hall for mj? Oh well, maybe not. Anyway one day you will all succumb to Terry's wisdom, for hj is gorgeous and has worked with Tricky thing. Not only that, but hj writes fantastic songs and is better looking than Jamie Rjdknapp - in mz mind anyway. Forever J, wishing Terry warn't married ——————————————————————————————————2/6—— Kidnap is an offence, against the law, WHEREAS RJDKNAPP IS LEGAL (AND CUTE) Gossip Music TV Fun&Games
P142 Teletext 142 Jan 9 22:14:42       ———————  —————————————————  DEAR JOHN SQUIRE'S BROKEN COLLARBONE I am Oxford-based, Manchester-obsessed, left-handed, gig-loving and a closet surfii! Conj round to my house and we can exchange Rene hats and stuff. It'll be fantastic, honest! Sally Cinnamon ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— Oxford's far from the sea for a Surfie! UNLESS YOU'RJ ON THE INTERNET! Gossip Music TV Fun&Games
P142 Teletext 142 Jan 9 22:14:11       ———————  —————————————————  ZINESTJRS! I want to write a poignant, witty and clever poem. I'd even like to bj the Poet Laureate. No way Jose I cannot do that I'vj drunk too much Southern Comfort I'll njvjr quite do that No way Jose. Contributed bz a nice person who'd like to bj printed on the 'Zine. Bison, citizen of nowhere ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Wj really like it but Poet Laureate... ....NO WAY JOSE!!! Gossip Music TV Fun&Games
P142 Teletext 142 Jan 9 22:14:30       ———————  —————————————————  REAL LIFE STORIES Starting from today Club 140 wants to feature Mega-zjnj readers in our features pages. Every few days we'll bj asking for your real life stories. Today we're looking for people involved in mixed race relationships. How have your friends and family reacted to your relationship If you're involved in a mixed race relationship contact us and we'll contact you for a Club interview. ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— R PARTNERS, PO BOX 442, FULHAM, LONDON, SW6 1XQ. FAX 0171 386 5618. OR e-mail to club440@teletext.co.uk Gossip Music TV Fun&Games
P142 Teletext 142 Jan 9 22:11:54         ————————————————————————————  EMERGENCY! 911 ARE COMING!  Get ready for Spike, Lee and Jimmy. On Wjdnjsday, Jan 15, we'll have the wacky 911 boys live here in the Teletext studios answering your questions. So if there's anything you'vj always wanted to know but were afraid to ask - why Spike is addicted to baked beans - then get scribbling. They're here from 4.00pm onwards but drop us a line now! Write, fax or e-mail your questions to the address below. ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— R 911, PO BOX 297, FULHAM, LONDON, SW6 1XQ. FAX 0171 386 7808 OR e-mail to club440@teletext.co.uk Gossip Music TV Fun&Games