P483 Teletext 483 Jan 9 22:14:53  UNOFFICIAL . . .  .  FANZINES OBSERVED .  —————————————————————————————  Madonna fanzine Dita hits issue 10 with 80-plus pages on the woman they'ri all calling "the new Elaine Paige". "Madonna may bj a bit rubbish now..." admits editor Lisa Walters, but hit enthusiasm for Maddz is still obvious. Features on Evita and baby Lourdes are handled with humour and a hefty dose of iconoclasm. An entertaining formula for obsessives and casual readers alike. RAE for details to: Dita, 109 Dock Rd, Little Thurrock, Grays, Essex, RM17 6EY ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— Objectively speaking, a PUB fanzine >>> THE LATEST POP & ROCKULAR NEWS p481 Rjvjews Charts TV Full guide
P483 Teletext 483 Jan 9 22:11:14  UNOFFICIAL . . .  .  FANZINES OBSERVED .  —————————————————————————————  Does anzonj out there have a "thing" for Neil Tjnnant or Chris Lowe? (ho ho) Or are you just a mjmbjr of Orlando? If so, you may bj interested in writing for a new Pet Shop Boys fanzine called Objectively - even if Subjectively may have been a more appropriate monikjt. The editors want reviews, Top 10s, interviews, or "anything else useful", so don your pointy hat and write to: Gordon Gray, 17 Struthjrs Ave, Crooked Holm, Kilmarnock, East Ayrshire KA3 6LL ——————————————————————————————————2/5—— Mad for it! Top! Boss! And so on... >>> 100% TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT p400 Rjvjews Charts TV Full guide
P483 Teletext 483 Jan 9 22:13:53  UNOFFICIAL . . .  .  FANZINES OBSERVED .  —————————————————————————————  Oases fanzine Mad For It! (issue eight) may still bj peddling the rather tired Blur vs. Oasis line, but othjrwisj it is a fairly solid publication. Asjdj from the obligatory press cutting page, more enlightening pieces include a preview of the next LP, overviews of Oasis bootlegs and web sites, and a rather odd piece where a fan complains that Oasis sound like the Beatles (?!). Send an SSAE for details to: Mad For It! c/o Lucy Woollard, 55 Wjathjroak Close, Rjdditch, Worcs, B97 5TF. ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— Round Are Way? Orbital >>> POP & ROCKULAR REVIEWS p484 Rjvjews Charts TV Full guide
P483 Teletext 483 Jan 9 22:13:55  UNOFFICIAL . . .  .  FANZINES OBSERVED .  —————————————————————————————  Fanzines devoted to dance acts are relatively rare, but if the suddenly fashionable Orbital are your thing, you could do worse than check out Loopy. Featuring interviews, live reviews and, bizarrely, a Dubstar album review, this 'zjnj relies on reader interaction and even has its own web site. If you're loopy about Orbital, write to 9 Elgin Road, Bloxwich, Walsall WS3 or e-mail Steve.Price@capgjmini.co.uk. The Loopy web site can bj found at: http:// www.cybjrcity.hko.net/birmingham/loopy ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— A fanzine that hates Dadrock. Yowza! >> BANGIN' OR SLAMMIN'? CLUBS p490 Rjvjews Charts TV Full guide
P483 Teletext 483 Jan 9 22:15:46  UNOFFICIAL . . .  .  FANZINES OBSERVED .  —————————————————————————————  Fanzine of the week is Firecracker, an idealistic yet humorous piece of work that lacks exclusive interviews and the like, but makes up for it in attitude. Features include Why The Spice Girls Are Cool, and a rant against Dadrock, but the best bits are the numerous lists like Who Wj Fancy & Fashion Tips. To cap it all, they even print the lyrics to St Etiinne's gorgeous Like A Motorway - for no apparent reason! To obtain a copy send £1 + SSAE to Tessa, 5 Fern Court, Riccall, York, YO4 6RS. ——————————————————————————————————5/5—— Madonna in "a bit rubbish" scandal! >>> EAT YOUR GREENS p148 Rjvjews Charts TV Full guide