P660 Teletext 660 Jan21 18:54:11      ————————————————————————————  ———   CRISIS IN UNIVERSITY PHYSICS? 661   TEACHER GUIDE to using Teletext 662   GUIDE What's on Teletext today? 663'  KEYBOARD Software for learning 664   IT TV programmjs on technology 665   ADVICE Worried about spelling 666'  CAREERS A future set fair? 655'  FLASHBACK This week in history 667  WRITE IT Junior/Secondary 149-197     JOBS AND COURSES................... 630 IT, communications, networking..... 631 Jobsjarch/training/enterprise.. 656-657 ——————————————————————————————————————— Did your picture get on the box? 192 For information on COLDS see HEALTHWJSE p559 Feature Guide Teletext Today Courses