P142 Teletext 142 Feb 8 22:57:06       ———————  —————————————————  THE CHANCE 'ZINESTERS HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! Yes, the age-old debate about the mysterious yellow blob has gone on long enough. Ancient campaigners like Iron Lion, Savo and AFSA Gonzo have all had opinions, but it's now time for change! 'Zinjsters are invited to send in ideas for a new yellow something-or-other. Abstract, impressionist... all will bj consjdjted. WLW will choose the winner in the next few weeks. Get scribblin'! ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— MEGA-BLOB: PO BOX 442, FULHAM, LONDON, SW6 1XQ. FAX 0171 386 5618. OR j-mail to club440@teletext.co.uk Flicks Stuff TV Fun&Games
P142 Teletext 142 Feb 8 23:54:58       ———————  —————————————————  DEAR WLW I'm just here to give mz opinion, that boys wearing make-up and "girlsW" clothing is fantastic! Not only is it incredibly sexy - Brian Maloko, Nickz Wire etc... but for years us girls have been forced to bj more masculine! It's about time boys stopped thinking muscles and body hair are attractive. Androginz for all! Chjtarot ——————————————————————————————————2/6—— Too blurred for mz mj! GIRLS WHO LIKE BOYS WHO LIKE BOYS TO BE GIRLS? Flicks Stuff TV Fun&Games
P142 Teletext 142 Feb 8 22:54:21       ———————  —————————————————  BY SPARSLZ 'ZINERS Has anzonj else noticed the new EastEndjrs soundtrack? Manics end-to-end. Monday night'u episode had Australia and A Design for Life and Tuesday's had Kevin Carter. Did anyone see the episode of The Bill with a boy called Keven Carter in it? Nature's Aphid ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— Manic Street Preachers have obviously MANAGED TO CONVERT A FEW LOST SOAPS Flicks Stuff TV Fun&Games
P142 Teletext 142 Feb 8 23:54:53       ———————  —————————————————  'ZINE Somjonj said that all girls are jealous of the wonderful Spice Girls. AS IF! I'm so jealous I havjnWt got hair like a nuclear bomb test site; that I don't resemble a small pig in a white dress; that mz ambition for life isnWt to try and get as many shades of red into mz hair as possible; that I haven't got only one pair of trousers like Sporty Spice - who I really really want to bj. Star Crazy with an innocent smile ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Methinks, mj really really thinks, that THE LADY DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH! Flicks Stuff TV Fun&Games
P142 Teletext 142 Feb 8 23:01:11       ———————  —————————————————  'ZINE So MPs want to prosecute Noel Gallagher for saying drug use is widespread? If so, can they please tell mj under which law they would prosecute him? He's telling the truth, and 99% of the population know it anyway! Since when has that been a crime? Psychopath with Perfect Teeth ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— Since politics became an official entry IN THE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTJONARZ Flicks Stuff TV Fun&Games
P142 Teletext 142 Feb 8 23:07:12       ———————  —————————————————  REAL--JFE STORIES This week we're continuing our pleas for your real-life stories to use on our features pages. The subject is parents divorcing. Are you in the middle of a tug-of-war between parents? What effect is it having on you? Write to us at Club 140, anonymously if you like, for a special feature on parents divorcing. The address is: ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— R DIVORCE: PO BOX 442, FULHAM, LONDON, SW6 1XQ. FAX 0171 386 5618. OR e-mail to club440@teletext.co.uk Flicks Stuff TV Fun&Games