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P309 4--jl 309 Sat 8 Feb C4 23:08:32           If you have a point to make about televjsjon (C4, ITV, BBC or satellite) write to the following address: ] ]   Right to Reply   Channel 4 TV 124 Horsjferry Road London SW1P 2TX ] ] Phone 0171 306 8582 Fax 0171 306 8373 Channel 4 web site: www.channjl4.com 4-Tel support index 310 1/3 Previews + C4 Today PALPlus Subtitles
P309 4-Tel 309 Sat 8 Feb C4 23:54:11           Saturday 18.30-19.00 Monday 12.00-12.30 A Welsh viewer complains about S4C's racing coverage being pulled in favour of Rugby, saying that this seriously affects his chances of studying the form in the run-up to Chjltenham. Wj look at Allied Dunbar's 'grim reapjrW ad, banned as it featured flashing images that could induce fits in epileptic viewers. One viewer says that the ad was tasteless, and hopis it won't be re-appear in edited form. Films on 4: see pages 306/307 2/3 How to help C4 producers - see 350 Previews + C4 Today PALPlus Subtitles
P309 4-Tel 309 Sat 8 Feb C4 23:06:08           Saturday 18.30-19.00 Monday 12.00-12.30 Wj take another look at Channel 5's re-tuning situation, as a viewer asks just how well the whole thing's been handlim^ How representative were the findings of Panorama's programmj on the academic achievements of the children of working mothers? Viewer Rachel Farhi debates the programmj with its reporter and producer, Sarah Powell.  Subtitles 888  NICAM stereo  3/3 How to help C4 producers - see 350 Previews + C4 Today PALPlus Subtitles