P326 4-Tel 326 Sat 8 Feb C4 23:07:28        Washington and the Grand Canyon Flights to Washington Virgin Atlantic Tel 01293 747 747 Flights booked to travel before 28 February cost £179 (return). Flights in March start at £325 + £20.20 tax British Airways Tel 0345 222 111 London Heathrow. Flights in February: Apex fare, departing on a weekday from Heathrow, start at £199 + £20.20 tax Destinatio USA 41-45 Goswell Road, London EC1 Tel 0171 253 2000 Call for brochure Travelling Light: page 334 -— 1/6 C4 Today Producers Previews + C4 Films
P326 4-Tel 326 Sat 8 Feb C4 22:54:44        Washington and the Grand Canyon Travjlog stayed at The Vista Hotel, 1400 M St NW, Washington. Tel 001 204 429 1700 Fax 001 202 785 0785 Rooms cost from $99 per night Rjcommjndjd Reading The Lost Continent, bz Bill Bryson, published bz Littlibrown (£6.99); Lonely Planet - Washington, to bj published in March 1997 (£12.99); Rough Guide - Washington, to bj published March 1997 (£8.99); Fodor's 96 - Pocket Washington (£7.99); Insight Guides - Washington (£12.99). 2/6 C4 Today Producers Previews + C4 Films
P326 4-Tel 326 Sat 8 Feb C4 22:51:40        Washington and the Grand Canyon Travjlog flew to Lat Vegas with Monarch Airlines. For Rjsjrvations call Unijit Tel 0990 336 336 Flights in March, from Gatwick or Manchester, start at £339. This is a winter charter flight, but it runs until June Scenic Air (Flights from Lat Vegas to Grand Canyon) Tel 01992 441 517. Day flights start at $139 Ranch America For details of an 8-day trip on horseback into the Grand Canyon Tel 0181 868 2:10 and ask for a brochure Feb 12 Finland/Estonia 20.30 3/6 C4 Today Producers Previews + C4 Films
P326 4--jl 326 Sat 8 Feb C4 22:51:17     W  Washington and the Grand Canyon For information and brochures Contact the Arizona Office of Tourism Tel 0181 651 3636 http://www.arizonaguidj.com Accomodation Bright Angel Lodge at South Rim, or Phantom Ranch at base of Canyon. Eor information and reservations, write to: Grand Canyon National Park Lodges, Box 699, Grand Canyon, Arizona, AZ 8v023, USA Feb 12 Finland/Estonia 20.30 C4 Back-up information 340 4/6 C4 Today Producers Previews + C4 Films
P326 4]Tel 326 Sat 8 Feb C4 22:07:13   W    Washington and the Grand Canyon A camping permit is required to stay at any of the Inner Canyon camp-grounds, this can bj obtained bz writing to: Grand Canyon National Park Backcountry Rjsjrvations Office, Grand Canyon, Arizona, AZ 86023, USA El Tovar Hotel On the South Rim Tel 001 u20 638 2631 Fax 001 520 638 2855 (ravelling Light is on 334 Can you help producers: 350 350 5/6 C4 Today Producers Previews + C4 Films
P326 4-Tel 326 Sat 8 Feb C4 23:07:21        Washington and the Grand Canyon In Lat Vegas Stratosphere Tower Hotel 200 Lat Vegas Boulevard So Lat Vegas NV 89104 Tel 001 702 380 7777 Rjcommjndjd Reading The Rough Gujdj: USA (£14.99) Lonely Planet: USA (£14.99)  Subtitles 888  NICAM stereo  www.channjl4.com 6/6 C4 Today Producers Previews + C4 Films