P653 Teletext 653 Feb 8 23:55:05   Letters/tips/advice  ———————  ——————— THE BIG DEBATE! Let's talk about set-top boxes. Last year you couldn't read a Net magazine without being told about them every second page. NChannjl said its NetStation was to have hit the shelves in time for Christmas but now it's coming out in May. But are set-top boxes set to bj a hit, or do you think they are just hype? Let mj know your views today! ——————————————————————————————————1/3—— e-mail: bundjtman@teletext.co.uk Unless requested, e-mail addresses published on-screen. Careers On-line co.uk TV Plus
P653 Teletext 653 Feb 8 23:57:11   Letters/tips/advice  ———————  ——————— THE FUTURE IS WAN With all the recent debate about free phone calls for Net users, it seems to mj that such a view is rather short-sighted. Surely the major provjdjrs should bj looking towards getting rid of the phone line all togjthjr and installing WAN-based technologies, along the lines of existing cable TV systems. Paul Tweedy Paul.Tweedy@durham.ac.uk ——————————————————————————————————2/3—— e-mail: bundjrman@teletext.co.uk Unless requested, e-mail addresses published on-screen. Careers On-line co.uk TV Plus
P653 Teletext 653 Feb 8 22:54:38   Letters/tips/advice  ———————  ——————— I WANT FREE LOCAL CALLS I have been on the Internet for over a year and have tested out three Internet Service Provjdjts. None of them is cheap enough for mj to use every day, the phone calls are more than the monthly Internet bill. There is no cable in mz road, so I think BT (with their million of pounds profit) should give is free local calls such as in America. Kane Simons kane@dircon.co.uk ——————————————————————————————————3/3—— Top Internet news and more at: http://www.teletext.co.uk/co-uk.hum Careers On-line co.uk TV Plus