P316 4-Tel 316 Tue 26 Aug C4 11:53:39    Preview    VIC REEVES' BIG NIGHT OUT   23.05-23.35 Tonight Rjpjat Britain's top light entertainers, Vic Reeves and Bob Mottimjt, hopi to avoid severe chafing when they present anothjt edition of their variety show. Who will impress on Novelty Island this week, and what will the Man with the Stick reveal? GAS 23.35-00.05 Tonight 888 NICAM Andy Robinson, Moil Fielding and Jason Byrnj are this week's pjtformjts on the comedy showcase, presented by Lre Mack. The Comedy Slot - tonight at 19.50  Babylon ) - Wednesday at 22.45 Next preview C4Today PALPlus Complaint?