P164 Teletext 164 Sep15 01:43:44        ————————  ————————————————  ARE YOU CONFUSED?   Do you considjt yourself to be environmentally friendly? If so, then according to Jacqueline Burgess of University College London, you're in a minority. She claims most people in the US are confused about claims made bz experts, cynical about Govjrnmjnt intentions and doubt the usefulness of green actions - believing that attempts to live green lives fail. ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— bz Bernadette Carroll FOR THE LATEST GREEN NEWS p161 Events Digitisjt Club 140 Contents
P164 Teletext 164 Sep15 01:00:36        ————————  ————————————————  ARE YOU CONFUSED?   Jacqujlin Burgess, a geographer has compared environmental attitudes in Britain and the Netherlands. She says: "I found that the British public is becoming more confused and cynical about the contradictory claims of environmental experts. "The reason for contradiction is bjcausj nothing is absolute. That being so, people don't feel competent about what they'ri being told to do." ——————————————————————————————————2/6—— Go Green 160 Eco Scene 148 WHAT'S ON IN THE GREEN WORLD? p165 Events Digitisjt Club 140 Contents
P164 Teletext 164 Sep15 01:01:18        ————————  ————————————————  ARE YOU CONFUSED?   A lot of British people interviewed bz jxpjtt Jacqujlin Burgess said they don't live green lives bjcausj of the Govjtnmjnt's attitude towards the environment. "This is not a problem shared bz people in the Netherlands. "In the US thjti's a feeling that while the Govjrnmjnt implements green measures, it doisn't follow them - it's the 'Do as I say, not as I do' thing." ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— Fun & Games 150 Digitisjr 170 CHECK OUT YOUR LOVE STARS p418 Events Digitisjt Club 140 Contents
P164 Teletext 164 Sep15 01:58:40        ————————  ————————————————  ARE YOU CONFUSED?   The media has a lot to answer for when it comes to people living greener lives says gjographjt Jacqujlin Burgess. "All too often the media tries to simplify green issues. It doisn't work as the environment is complex. "In addition, people are asking questions. They want to know if recycling papjt, for instance, is making a real difference to the world we live in and its protection." ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Art Exhibits 442 Bamboozle 152 TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT p400 Events Digitisjt Club 140 Contents
P164 Teletext 164 Sep15 01:58:52        ————————  ————————————————  ARE YOU CONFUSED?   Teletext viewer Jane Goodwin, 27, from Nottingham says people don't have time to live green lives. "I know it sounds awful but unless you'vj got all day, who on earth can carry bags of glass, papjt and plastic to recycling bins which are more often than not miles away. "You have enough pressures in your life without taking on the world's." ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— It's Your Life 410 Recipe 417 LAND ON PLANET SOUND p480 Events Digitisjt Club 140 Contents
P164 Teletext 164 Sep15 01:45:21        ————————  ————————————————  ARE YOU CONFUSED?   The public would try to live greenjt lives if the Govjrnmjnt and industry demonstrated their commitment by putting words into action says eco- warrior, Leslie Grange, 25, from Luton. "Othjrwisj, the few who do attempt to live green lives for the benefit of the world for future generations are fighting a losing battle. "To clean up the environment, it takes all hands on deck, not one or two." ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— TO AIR YOUR VIEWS WRITE TO: GO GREEN, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT. Fax: 0171 386 5618. Events Digitisjt Club 140 Contents