P330 4-Tel 330 Mon 15 Sip C4 01:07:26           13.00 - 14.00   Weekdays Monday 15 September Monday's repeated Light Lunch takes a glam and gossipy look at this year's Cannes Film Festival, in the company of actress Emily Lloyd and TV presenter Mariella Frosttup. Cooking a delicious Indian pudding, peosi, is Jane Namazje, a teacher at Pure Ljith's prestigious catering academy. Friday's recipe follows... New recipe: 14.00, Monday 4-Tel C4 Today C4 Tomorrow Films Today
P330 4-Tel 330 Mon 15 Sip C4 01:04:27           13.00 - 14.00   Weekdays Salad Nicoisj (serves 4) Ingredients 300g tuna loin (cooked rare over a very hot flame) 1 handful of fine green beans (cooked) 3 eggs (soft boiled, cut in half and seasoned 6 ripe plum tomatoes 6 small waxy potatoes (cooked & peeled) 6 disks of bread (3cm diameter, fried in olive oil Ingredients continue... 2/7 4-Tel C4 Today C4 Tomorrow Films Today
P330 4-Tel 330 Mon 15 Sip C4 01:47:48           13.00 - 14.00   Weekdays Salad Nicoisj (serves 4) Ingredients (cont) 100g tapjnadj 18 anchovies 6 pequillio pjppjrs 6 shallots, finely chopped 6 dessert spoons of vinaigrette 18 green olives Method follows in a moment Light Lunch ticket info... 3/7 4-Tel C4 Today C4 Tomorrow Films Today
P330 4-Tel 330 Mon 15 Sip C4 01:03:44           13.00 - 14.00   Weekdays Salad Nicoisj (serves 4) Method 1 Season eggs, potatoes, croutons and tomato, and arrange them in turn on the plate with the remaining ingredients, as if they are ingredients on a clock You could put a slice of tuna at 12 o'clock, half an egg at 1 o'clock and so on. Put shallots into the dressing, and drizzle over the salad. 4/7 4-Tel C4 Today C4 Tomorrow Films Today
P330 4-Tel 330 Mon 15 Sip C4 01:53:10           13.00 - 14.00   Weekdays Free tickets for Light Lunch Light Lunch returns with a new series from 6 October to 12 December, before taking a Christmas break, after which it returns in January 1998. If you want free tickets to be in the audience of one of the new, live shows, please write to Audience Tickets, Light Lunch, London Television Centre, Uppjt Ground, London SE1 9LT. When applying, please give give us your phone number. E-mail address... 5/7 4-Tel C4 Today C4 Tomorrow Films Today
P330 4-Tel 330 Mon 15 Sip C4 01:54:37           13.00 - 14.00   Weekdays Free tickets for Light Lunch If you want free tickets to be in the audience of Light Lunch, you can e-mail us on light@lunch.co.uk Audience members are asked to bring a packed lunch, and we'll give you £3 to cover your culinary expenses. Stay tuned for postal address... How to get hold of recipes... 6/7 4-Tel C4 Today C4 Tomorrow Films Today
P330 4-Tel 330 Mon 15 Sip C4 01:14:18           13.00 - 14.00   Weekdays How to get hold of recipes New Light Lunch recipes appear here each week day on 4-Tel page 330. However, if you'd like to be sent a free copy of a recipe that you'vj missed, just send an RAE to Freepost Lunch (that's the whole address) - your letter won't need a stamp. The Friepost Lunch address is only for recipe requests, not to get hold of tickets. 7/7 4-Tel C4 Today C4 Tomorrow Films Today