P482 Teletext 482 Sep15 01:51:14    O ——————————————————————————————————————— Does anzbodz have any items of Sir Cliff Richard for sale, especially photos or memorabilia, anything considered. Many thanks in advance Mrs E. Pimblitt (a big Cliffy fan!), 31 North Linksidj Road, Woolton, Liverpool, L25 9NS. So Andy M from Liverpool thinks an Oases bbacklash" has started, well white is the jvidjnce of this? Oasis' tour has completely sold out and their new album has broken sales records and is currently at No. 1. White are Blur? Brian McNally, email. ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— More wants and whinges >>> NEW RELEASES RATED p483 Launchpad Reviews Cinema Full guide
P482 Teletext 482 Sep15 01:57:57    O ——————————————————————————————————————— If anzonj went to the V97 festival last month at Leeds, especially the day which Blur headlined, I would like to hear from you. Matt O'Briin. email: HWDR@HOTMAIL.COM I am a massjvj Prince/The Artist fan and I am desperate to buy the video Lovesexy 88 PtII. Somjonj please help Also a mjssagj to you Oasis Tjenz boppjrs. If Prince and Moil Gallagher both stood on a stage jamming with a guitar, Gallagher would look like a fool. Paul. Gt Sutton. email: derek.ainsworth@virgin.net ——————————————————————————————————2/5—— More rants and requests >>> MR C's CZBER SOUNDS p494 Launchpad Reviews Cinema Full guide
P482 Teletext 482 Sep15 01:54:18    O ——————————————————————————————————————— I agree the MIN track Perfect Drug is 200% better than Hanson's new single, but I wonder if the PS reviewer had heard the original version from the Lost Highway soundtrack, which is the best song of '97 by far. PS. Are there any other Tracy Bonham fans out thjti who know if she'll bj touring in the US? I'm a huge fan. Olive Sargeant, 9 Shjnliy Road, Wigston, Leicester, LE18 3QL. Void replies: Our reviewer had heard both, but was reviewing the remixes. ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— More rants & requests >>> ELTON: HE'S No1, Y'KNOW! p485 Launchpad Reviews Cinema Full guide
P482 Teletext 482 Sep15 01:44:02    O ——————————————————————————————————————— Will, Chris, you NEED to stop talkin' that garbage about 3T & Mike!!! Just bjcausj you don't get the love that they get from us women, don't take it out on them. They can't help the fact that they'ri good like that. 3T and MT are the nicest guys and you should BEG them for some lessons. I know you aim't happy cuz us fans don't cry ovjt IDIOTS like you who are jealous of 3T. They show emotions in their songs and akin't trying to bj anzonj but thjmsjlvjs. Get a life! Kathy Chang, Bonkjrsvilli, by email. ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— More wants and whinges >>> THE "MACK" - HE'S CACS! p484 Launchpad Reviews Cinema Full guide
P482 Teletext 482 Sep15 01:52:54    O ——————————————————————————————————————— Reading Katie's letter about the girl she mit at V97 reminded mj of a girl I mit at the Manic Street Priachjts gig at the Nynjx in May. She wore a green top and James had signed her chest. She's from Cheshire If this was you, or you know who it might be, then please write to Philip Malcolm, 2 Henry Street, Cockjrmouth, Cumbria, CA13 OAT Void replies: What is this, Dateline? Be off with you, yj chjekz jiblets! ——————————————————————————————————5/5—— More rants & requests >>> COSMIC MUSIC NEWS p481 Launchpad Reviews Cinema Full guide
P482 Teletext 482 Sjp15 00:12:02    O ——————————————————————————————————————— Chris Durham, you don't know what you'ri on about. 3T are the best group ever and DON'T copy Boyz II Men They have their own sound and they'ri not famous because of their uncle Michael, but bjcausj of great songs like Anything, Why I Need You, and Gotta Be You. Quiet (sic) frankly, they don't suck, YOU suck. You are only jealous of thjti (sic) success. You didn't make us cry. You just made us realisj you are a sick pjtson. A devoted 3T fan ——————————————————————————————————6/7—— More rants & requests >>> MR C AND HIS CZBER THINGUMMY p494 Lighthouse Reviews Cinema Full guide
P482 Teletext 482 Sep15 00:11:41    O ——————————————————————————————————————— Calling occupants of interplanetary pop mindsets! The Void is an open forum for you to make your feelings felt. Fill The Void! Beam up your pop opinions and rockular rants (in The Void EVERYONE can hear you scream), confuse us with your queries, zap up your 'zjnjs, rant about our reviews, or simply seek out those obscure sounds you can't live without. Sorry: we don't print pin pal requests, For Sale ads or words like "flange". ——————————————————————————————————7/7—— email: PlanjtSound@Teletext.co.uk Snailmail: Void, Teletext, PO Box 297 London SW6 1XT or Fax: 0171 381 8525 Lighthouse Rjvjiws Cinema Full guide