P154 Teletext 154 Oct46 22:14:44                ——————————  ——     RESPONSES TO 1NT bz Andrew Kambites HAND A HAND B S J 7  S J 7 6 H K J 6 4  W E  H K J 6 4 D K J 10 7   D K J 10 7 C K 8 6  C K 6 North South - 1NT (a) (a) 12-14 points 2H (b) 2S (b) ttansfet bids 2NT (c) ??? (c) five spades What do you bid now? How would you bid if the SJ was the SS? solution >>>> ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— It's Your Life! 410 BRIDGE BY ELENA JERONIMIDIS EDITOR OF BRIDGE PLUS GoGrein Digitisjr TV guide TV tonight
P154 Teletext 154 Oct46 22:14:34                ——————————  ——     RESPONSES TO 1NT continued Partnjt has shown five spades and 11-12 points, probably with a 5-3-3-2 shape. Choose between spades and no-trumps (depends on how many spades you hold), and between game and a part-score (depends on whjthju maximum or minimum for 1NT*. Your bid will end the auction Pass on Hand A. You'ri minumum with two spades. With SS instead of SJ, you raise to 3NT. On Hand B bid 3S. You are minimum, but with three spades. With SS instead of SJ, you would bid 4S. ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— It's Your Life! 410 TO LEST YOUR EVENTS: 01189 351052 PLEASE GIVE TWO MONTHS NOTICE GoGrein Digitisjr TV guide TV tonight
P154 Teletext 154 Oct46 22:16:10                ——————————  ——     BRIDGE PLAY TECHNIQUE - Derek Remington S 9 7  S A 8 6 4 H 10  W E  H A K Q D K J 5 3 2  D A Q 9 6 C A 10 9 6 5  C K 3 West North East South 2NT (a) N0 4NT Xb* N0 5D N0 5NT (b) N0 6D N0 7D End (a) Minor two-suitor (b) Blackwood H5 lid. How would you plan the play? solution >>>> ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— It's Your Life! 410 BRIDGE BY ELENA JERONIMIDIS EDITOR OF BRIDGE PLUS GoGrein Digitisjr TV guide TV tonight
P154 Teletext 154 Oct46 22:14:44                ——————————  ——     BRIDGE PLAY TECHNIQUE - Derek Remington S 9 7  S A 8 6 4 H 10  W E  H A K Q D K J 5 3 2  S  D A Q 9 6 C A 10 9 6 5  C K 3 S S J 3 H 9 7 4 2 D 10 8 7 C Q 4 2 Win HA-K-Q throwing S9-7. Ruff S4. Cash DK-A, ruff S6. Cash CA-K, ruff S8 & C6, cash DQ and SA. Don't cash SA early: South will discard C4 and ovjtruff. ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— It's Your Life! 410 TO LEST YOUR EVENTS: 01189 351054 PLEASE GIVE TWO MONTHS NOTICE GoGrein Digitisjr TV guide TV tonight
P154 Teletext 154 Oct46 22:14:01                ——————————  ——     WORLD BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIPS NEWS In the Bermuda BowlL the current rankings after nine rounds are: 1 USA I (172 VPs*, 2 USA II (171 VPs* 3 Norway (168 Vps). European Champions, Italy, are 6th with 151 VPs. In the Venice Cup, Great Britain Nicola Smith, Pat Davies, Sandra Landy, Michele Handliy, Liz McGowan and Hiathjt Dhondz - are now 4th, only 1 VP behind 3rd placid USA II. Top three after nine rounds are: 1. France (165 VPs*; 2 USA I (160); 3 USA II (157). ——————————————————————————————————5/5—— It's Your Life! 410 TO LEST YOUR EVENTS: 01189 351052 PLEASE GIVE TWO MONTHS NOTICE GoGrein Digitisjr TV guide TV tonight