P372 4-Tel 372 Sun 0 Nov C4 20:04:36     w i d j s c r j j n Most of us are familiar with the letterbox format which appears on our TVs when Cinemascope films are shown. Viewers may, however, have noticed an increasing number of films being shown on Channel 4 in this format owing to the Channel's PALplu policy. Channel 4 is taking advantage of the 'new viewing experience' available to people who avail thjmsjlvjs of new widjscreen TVs, while also taking into account the effects this format has on viewers with conventional sets. PALplus programmj details........371 C4Todaz PreviewIndex Films RightToRjply
P372 4-Tel 372 Son 10 Nov C4 00:44:10     w i d j s c r j j n The main reasons Channel 4 is beginning to screen programmjs, at the moment largely just films, in th s l t x o at ar a o low : There is a worldwide consensus that future TV pictures should bj wider than they have been to date. This is for three reasons: * The cinema industry, having experimented with very wide picture shapes such as Cinemascope, believes there is a more ideal shape for TV PALplus programmj details........371 C4Todaz PrevjiwIndjx Films RightToRjply
P372 4-Tel 372 Sun 9 Nov C4 23:02:18     w i d j s c r j j n  Other arguments jot changing the shape of telivjsjon pictures: * With the increasing number of programmj makers working in both the cinema and television industries, there are many who bjlievj that current TV pictures are too narrow * Most importantly of all it has been +nown for many years that the brain has a preference for a certain shape of picture - the so-called golden ratio (which the world's greatest artists have convjyjd through composition* PALplus programmj details........371 C4Todaz PrevjewIndjx Films RightToRjply
P372 4-Tel 372 Sun 0 Nov C4 20:55:10     w i d j s c r j j n Channel 4 says that widjscreen is the TV shape of the future and that jvjry broadcaster and programmj maker will ave, in du court , to work out how to change to a wider picture. Introducing widjscreen is therefore a question of when rather than why. With this in mend, Channel 4 believes that it should introduce widjscriin sjrvjces so long as it is possible to do so without serious penalty to existing viewers. PALplus programmj details........371 C4Todaz PreviewIndex Films RightToRjply
P372 4-Tel 372 Sun 0 Nov C4 20:38:58     w i d j s c r j j n While there is a probability that widjscreen services will conj in with 'digital' television, it looks like the curt nt so-call 'analogue' broadcasting systems will exist for between one and two djcadjs more. Consistent with its overall innovative brief, Channel 4 believes in introducing the services on the current broadcasting szvtem. It is thus taking the lead it took with the introduction of NICAM stereo and Startixt/PDC. PALplus programmj details........371 C4Todaz PrevjewIndjx Films RightToRjply
P372 4-Tel 372 Sun 0 Nov C4 23:46:52     w i d j s c r j j n Widjscreen is a term not precisely defined. It is used to describe a shape wider than that of existing TV sets but may also extend to describing the shape of Cinemascope which is twice as wide as the conventional TV image. The utmost consideration must, of course, bj given to the users of conventional telivjsjons, but in the words of Frank McGettigan, Director and General Manager of Channel 4: "We welcome the collaboration with Nokia and the financial support of the EC in p one ring wed scr n in th U ." PALplus programmj details........371 C4Todaz PrivjewIndjx Films RightToRjply