P4c1 —————)^J —————— Du @ N#I TOMATO GINGE C—UL FLOWER CooW briefly. @ @ @ h Piil and finely ehop gjngjr, onion ty kinWUr, o.Ron !md g rlUc u. il @ @ fragra^t] Aid cumin@and turmjtic. t i Add ch ppjd tomatais, watij alt@and pjppjr and cauliflower. Bring to the boil^ Reduce heat and ujmmjr for 20] @@@T5!Zjnv^@+pjinVle coticmhju "nl@wjjmj ——————————————————————————————————uO3—— It's Natenal Cutty $az! 415 FUND LOVE FOR FREE p590 (ITV* L#vj@vtats@ Ruiz UiaNb trSeute@ T.@