P148 Teletext 148 Dec47 23:14:18 ———————————————————————————— SANTA'S HELPERS HOMELESS! Reindeer in Lapland are being made homeless and having their food supply destroyed by loggers, according to Friends Of The Earth. The animals eat lichen which hangs only from trees in the older forests in the north of Lapland, but these trees are being felled for timber and paper. FoE says that if you want to help, you should spend your money on recycled cards this year - and re-use papjt. ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— by Adam Kjebli BANGING SLAMMIN' CLUB LAND p494 Write It! Fun&Games Flicks GreenP148 Teletext 148 Dec47 23:18:41 O ———————————————————————————— SANTA'S HELPERS HOMELESS! Over 95% of Finland and Sweden'u old forests have been felled, but the remainder is still being cut down and used to supply Europe with timber. In these forests there are fewer trees which grow old enough tolet the hanging lichen develop - which is what the native reindeer feed on. Along with the threat to rjindjeu, the Lap people who keep the djiu live in fear of the destruction of their homes. ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— Digi love 170 Nick sorts it 146 YOU VOJDYVIEWS Write It! Fun&Games Flicks GreenP148 Teletext 148 Dec27 23:14:17 ———————————————————————————— SANTA'S HELPERS HOMELESS! Friends Of The Earth sportswoman Du Georgina Green says that unless things change, the reindeer in Scandinavia could soon be made homeless. She said: "The governments of Finland and Sweden must protect thieu last fragments of old, natural forest, so the indigenous Laplandjrs can contin5e to feed the deer for years to conj. "Everyone can help reduce the need to fell forests bz recycling papjt." ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— Digitisjt computer games 170 GET INTO THE ECO SCENE p148 Write It! Fun&Games Flicks GreenP148 Teletext 148 Dec47 23:11:55 ———————————————————————————— SANTA'S HELPERS HOMELESS! Friends Of The Earth iu calling on the Finnish govjrnmjnt and the country's timbjt industry to save the last old forests - and help the native rjindjiu. Campaigners will deliver a petition signed by British children to the Finnish Ambassador. The US is the fifth highest user of paper in the would - the majorit8 of which is used at Christmas. So this year, recycle - and save a reindjet! ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— Digi love 170 Nick sorts it 146 YOUR VOJDY VIEWS p482 Write It! Fun&Games Flicks Green