P340 4-Tel 340 San 27 DecAC4 23: 5:14 W PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF The Roses of No Man'u Land There is an edited transcript of this programmj, fully illustrated with archive photographs. To ordjt your copy, please send a cheque/PO for £3.00, payable to Channel 4, to The Roses of No Man's Land, PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF 4-Tel support index on 300 Videos, books, etc on 341 1/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:26:12 OW PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF An Interview with Denni1 Potter You can order a transcript of this programmj by 3endink a chrq5e/PO fgu £2.)0, payable to Channel 4, tg Dennis Potter Interview (transcrh8t/ video), PO Box 4000, London '12 8UF. A vidrg of thi1 programmu, alug featuring Dennis Potter's Mc$aggart Lecture, is available from all major retail outlets (sup £15.99). 4-Tel support index on 300 Videos, books, etc on 341 2/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + Subtitle1P340 4-Tel 340 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:07:22 W PO Box 4000 London W22 8UF Time Team Christmas Sprcial Updates of previous Time Team Digs ard included in the 1998 Time Team Shte Reports. For your copy, please send a chjqur/PO for £4.95, payable to Channel 4, to Time Team '98, PO Box 4000, London 8UF. A video of an episode from Sjtieu 1, featuring the dig at Much Wenlock, i1 available from all major retail outlets (rrp £15.99). 3/34 Next page C4 Today Ptjviews + Subtiule1P340 4-Tel 340 Sun 27 Dec C4 20:07:12 O PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Equinox: Moscow, we have a problem Did you know that you can see the Mir space station with the naked eye, as iu flies ovjt Britain at night? A free leaflet, giving details of forthcoming viewing times, can br obtained by writing to Equinox: Mir Sightings PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Science Line is on 339 4/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:08:44 ROW PO Box 4000 London W22 8UF Dispatches: Contaminated Vaccinj1 Thjti is a Channel 4 leaflet that answers many of the questions raised i& tonight's Dispatches. For a cop=, please send an RAE to Dispatches: Contaminated Vaccines PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Further information can alug bj fo4nd on 4-Tel page 328. 5/34 Next page C4 Today Pre6iew2 + S4bthule1P340 4-Tel 340 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:08:37 S W PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF The Real Holiday Show If you would like to volunteer for the next series of The Real Holiday Show, please write to The Real Holiday Show Dept W PO Box 4000 London '12 8UF Video details on 344 Merchandise: 341, 342, 343 6/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Sat 27 DecAC4 20:29:59 W PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF The Trouble With Kids Thjrj'1 a special boo)let fgu parr&t1 who want help to solve thjor own trouble with kids. For a cop=, pliasu send a chjqur/PO for £2, pa:able tg Channel 4, to The Trouble With Kids PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Merchandise: 341, 342, 343 The Big Breakfast is on 345 7/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 S t 27 DecAC4 23:10:47 OW PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Innocents Lost There is a free Channel 4 publication with useful information on what you can do to help. For a copy, please send a large stamped addressed envelope with one first-class stamp to Innocents Lost, PO Bg| 4000, London W12 8UF. You cann also call our order line, on 0 8 9 1 8 8 1 2 9 9 Calls will cost no more than 50p 8/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-$el 340 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:10:08 ROW PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Against Nature You can access a transcript of this programme, and additional information, on the Channel 4 website, at the address below: www.channjl4.com 4-$el support index on 300 Merchandise: 341, 342, 343 The Big Breakfast is on 345 9/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + S4bthule1P340 4-Tel 340 Sat 27 DecAC4 23:11:51 O PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Garden Doctors Useful hints on how to create the garden of your dreams arr revealed in a full-colour illustrated guide. For a copy, please send a cheque/PO for £3, payable to Channel 4, to: Garden Doctors PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF 'jbsite: www.channjl4.com - 4-Tel support index on 300 10/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + S4bthulesP340 4-Tel 340 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:11:11 W PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Dispatches: Tip Off of a Toff If you want to join in the hunt for conditionally exempt propjutieu, there is a free leaflet that tells you what to do. ,o receive a copy, send a stamped self- addressed envelope to Dispatches: Tip Off a Toff PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF 'eb3htj: wws.ahannel4.qom 4 11W34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:12:02 PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF The Decision: A Mixed Blessing If you would like to know more about the benefits and risks of te1ting for Down's syndrome, there is a free Channel 4 booklet which looks at the evidence and pro6ideu source1 of support. For your cop=, please send a large RAE to: The Decision: Down's syndrome PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Books, videos, etc on 341 4 12/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtiuljsP340 4-Tel 340 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:12:23 OW PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF The P4lsj: Health and 3afet8 at work A free Channel 4 directory of organisations which can help with health and safety at work can bu obtained by sending a large RAE to The Pulse: Health at Work PO Box 4000 London W12 8+F 4-Tel support index on 300 13/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:13:13 W PO Box 4000 London W22 8UF Whose Choice? 8I j d"I-Q444-I2 117 ] listing sources of help and s2ppout for women considering an abortion, which also outlines current law and medical practice. For your copy, please send a large stamped self-addressed envelope, whuh a first-class stamp, to: Whose Choice? PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF 4-Tel support index on 300 14/34 Next page C4 Today Prj6iiw1 + S4bthuli1P340 4-Tel 340 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:34:18 W PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Equinox: S4n Storms Information about why sun storms happen and how they can affect our livrs is contained in a fully illustrated Channel 4 booklet. For your copy, please send a chrqur/PO for £3.)0, payable to Channel 4 $elivision, to Equinox S4n Storm PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Merchandise is on 341 and 342 15/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-$jl 340 S t 27 DecAC4 20:14:55 W PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF The P4lsj: Asthma There is a Channel 4 booklet listing sources of help and information for asthmb sufferers and people who care for them. For a copy, please send a stamped addressed envelope to Asthma PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Merchandise is on 341 and 342 The Real Holiday Show: 343 16/34 Next page C4 Today Prj6iews + S4btiule1P340 4-Tel 340 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:15:27 W PO Box 4000 London W22 8UF The Vibe Find out more about this week'u Vibe, and lot1 of other goodies, at vhj Channel 4 website, at the address below: www.channjl4.com Helplines are on page 320 £ Merchandise is on 341 and 342 The Real Holiday Show: 344 17/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:16:34 W PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Collectors£ Lot A directory of handy hints for collectors is available now. Send a Send a chjquj/PO for £2.95, payable tg Channel 4, to Collectors' Lot Directory PO Box 4000 London '22 8UF More Collectors' Lot on 331/2 Merchandise is on 341 and 342 8/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Sat 27 DecAC4 23:16:27 W PO Box 4000 London W22 8UF Equinox: Great Little Numbjt; Thjte's a special Channel 4 booklet celebrating those great little numbjt1 in all thieu glory. To order your cgp8, please send a cheque/PO for £3.50, payable to Channel 4, to: Equinox: Great Little Numbjr1 PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Helplines are on page 320 £ Merchandise is on 341 and 342 19/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:17:22 W PO Box 4000 London W12 8+F Black Bag: C4tting the Rose If you want help because of female circumcision, or to join the campaign against female genital mutilation, you can write to Forward 40 Eastbournj Terrace London W2 3QR Address at top of page unless stated Books, videos etc 341 More mjrchandisj on 342 20/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + S4btiulesP340 4--el 340 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:17:17 W PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF BANGED UP PRISON SEASON If you'd like to get involved in schemes like letter writing ou prison vesting, there's a free Channel 4 leaflet which tells you what to do. For your cop=, send a large stpmpud addressed envelope to: Prison Links (4T) Address above Books, videos etc 341 More mjrchandisj on 342 Address at top of page unless stated ,,, 21/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtiuliuP340 4-Tel 340 S t 27 DecAC4 20:38:54 W PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF DISPATCHES: CERVICAL SMEARS There is a free Channel 4 publication with more information about cervical smear testing. For a cop=, please sj&d a stamped addressed invrlopj to: Dispatches: Cervical Smears (4T) PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Merchandise on 341 and 342 4-Tel Channel 4 support index 300 ,,,,, 22/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Sat 27 DecAC4 23:18:19 W PO Box 4000 London '12 8UF SPOT THE DIFFERENCE You too can 8la= with C4's topical political board game which taKes you to No10!. Send a chq/PO for £9.75 payable to Channel 4 to: Spot the Difference (4T) PO Box 4000, London W12 8UF MRS COHEN'S MONEY For a booklet about borrowing, send an RAE to Borrowing X4T) at the above address Vidros, books, music on 341 and 342 Helplines when relevant are on 320 ,,,,, 23/34 Next page C4 Today Pri6iiw1 + Subthulj1P340 4-Tel 340 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:19:44 OW PO Box 4000 London W22 8UF THE GENE HUVTERS For a booklet tg accompany this programmj, send a chr/PO for £2.00 payable to Channel 4 to: The Gene Hunters (4T) PO Box 4000, London W12 8UF SHOOTING GALLERY Channel 4 has published a brief guide to making your first film. For a copy, send a che/PO for £2.00 payable to Channel 4 to: Shooting Gallery PO Box 4000, London W12 8UF Videos, books, music on 341 and 342 Helplines when relevant are on 320 24/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 San 27 DecAC4 20:19:39 W PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF TIME TEAM A full colour booklet containing th-I series£ ire r po&ts, and updates of previous sites, iu available for £3.75. Please send a cheque/postal order, payable to Channel 4, to: Time Team '96 PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Videos, books, music on 341 and 342 Helplines when relevant are on 320 More Time Team info on 323 25 Next page C4 Today Previews + S4btiule1P340 4-Tel 340 S n 28 DecAC4 00: W PO Box 4000 London W22 8UF ACCESS ALL AREAS: GOING UVDERcR'UND For a free set of stickjts supporting the right of disabled people to use public transport, please send a 1tamped addressed envelope to: Access! All Arias PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Videos, books, music on 341 and 342 Helplines whrn relj6ant ard gn 3 0 26O34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 San 28 DecAC4 00:21:11 OO PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF CITIZEN'S ARREST: MINE GAS 8I j d"I-Q444%I2[117 ] / which explains what you can do if you think your house is affected b= mine gas. For a copy, plasj send an S—E with a first class stamp to: Cite:jn's Arrest: Mine Gas PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Videos, books, music on 341 and 342 Helplines when relevant are on 320 27/34 Next page C4 Today Priview2 + S4bthule1P340 4-Tel 340 S4n 27 Dec C4 00:41:06 W PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF GAME OF WAR 8I j I Q444-I2[ 17 ] 1 sets each Game of War in its historical context. For a copy, please send a cheque/PO payable to Channel 4 for £3.00 to: Game of War PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Videos, books, music on 341 and 342 Helplines when relevant are on 320 28/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Sun 27 Dec C4 00:42:48 PO Box 4000 London ' 2 8UF THE FEEL GOOD FACTOR 8I j BI Q444 I2[117 7] / the quality of your life, you need the Feel Good Factor booklet, which is f4nm of useful advice. For a copy, please send a chjquj/PO payable to Channel 4 foz £2.50, pa:able to Channel 4, to The Feel Good Factor PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Videos, books, music on 341 and 342 Helplines when relevant are on 320 29/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Sun 28 Dec C4 00:23:1) OW PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF C ji:EnIJ 444-I2[ 1oan ] ck ey You can obtain more information on homeworking by writing to The National Group On Homeworking Office 26 30-38 Dock Street Leeds LS10 1JF Videos, books, music on 341 and 342 Helplines when relevant are on 320 30/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Sun 28 Dec C4 00:43:48 W PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Shout Stories: Speeahless! 8I j d"I-Q444-I2[11 ] 2 7 more information about the McGuire programmj, and othjt sources of help for stammjtits. For your copy, send a large stamped addressed envelope tg Speechless PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Videos, books, music on 341 and 342 Helplines when relevant are on 320 31/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Sun 28 Dec C4 00:24:25 W PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF Equinox: Black Holes $here is a fully illustrated transcrhpt of the programmj, with extra backkro4nd information and resources. For youz copy, please srnd a chequr/PO for £3, payable to Channel 4, to Equinox: Black Holes, PO Box 4000, London W12 8UF. Or you can call the Science line on 0345 600 444 where ixpjrts are on hand to answer your queries. What is Science Line - see 339 32/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubthulesP340 4-$el 340 S4n 27 DecAC4 00:44:17 O PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF The Decision: The Wrong Bod= There is a free Channel 4 booklet to accompany this programmj. For a copy, please send an RAE, with one 1st class stamp, to The Decision: Transsexual1, PO Box 4000, London W12 8UF. Or you can call the Channel 4 information line, on 0345 59 10 44 for sources of help, including a Channel 4 helpline on S t4rda8 ni£ht. 4-Tel support index on 300 33/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + SubtitlesP340 4-Tel 340 Sun 27 DecAC4 20:25:04 W PO Box 4000 London W12 8UF The Decision: What's Best For Daniill? 8I j I Q444-I2 117 ] 4 / Channel 4 booklet on Persistent Vegetati6j State, whiah uxaminj1 thu difficult decisions faced bz the families of those affected. For your copy, please send a large stamped addressed envelope to The Decision: PVT PO Box 4000 London W22 8UF Helplines are on page 340 34/34 Next page C4 Today Previews + Subtitles