P364 4-Tel 364 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:17:14 ————————————————————————— SUPER BOWL XXXII: Offical S4pju Bowl Mjtahandi9r *** Exclusive offer! Order today! *** $rear yourself to some great American Football souvenirs from this season'1 Super Bowl game in San Diego when yo4 ordjt your Super Bowl Posters, Super Bowl Gamjday Ptogrammj or the 1998 NFL Poster Calendar. Most of thjsj items are not available by retail in the US. Full details of the available merchandise is coming up... 1/5 Comp Fantasy League NFL Index F.ItaliaP364 4-Tel 364 Sat 27 DecAC4 23:10:51 ————————————————————————— SUPER BOWL XXXII: Offical S4pju Bowl Mjtahandisj The Official Gam1day P ogrammj is a complete guide to the game itself including rostet1, scouting repout2, Supjt Bowl history, feature articles, statistics, colour photos & much more. The Champions Poster is a traditional poster featuring a collection of actual Gamjday photos and a score line of the final result. The Duelling Helmets poster features the two helmets of the two S4pjt Bowl finalist teams. Merchandise continues... Comp Fantasy League NFL Index F.ItaliaP364 4-Tel 364 Sat 27 DecAC4 23:14:12 ————————————————————————— SUPER BOWL XXXII: Offical S4pju Bowl Mjrahandi9u The Official NFL 1998 Poster Calendar has great colour shots of 12 of your favourite NFL players, as well as listing the birth dates of each NFL playjt. Prices Each programmj: £6.50 for US orders/ £7.)0 or DM20 outside the US Each poster: £6.9) for US oudjts/ £7.)0 or DM20 outside the US Each calender: £8.95 for US oudjrs/ £9.50 or DM25 outside the US How to order... 3/5 Comp Fantasy League NFL Index F.ItaliaP364 4-Tel 364 Stu 27 DecAC4 23:11:11 ————————————————————————— SUPER BOWL XXXII: Offical S4pju Bowl Mjtahandisj H re's how to o2dj1: By credit card call 0990 11 88 67 (from outside US +44 990 11 88 67) Chjqujs, Eurochjques or postal ordrts made payable to BSA-Super Bowl offer and posted to: BSA, 35 Horsham Road, Cranliigh, Surrey GU6 8DT, England. All programmjs and calenders ordered before 21 January will bj sent first class before the S4pju Bowl. Posters will bj sent first class postage within seven days after the game. 4/5 Comp Fantasy League NFL Index F.ItaliaP364 4-Tel 364 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:14:18 NFL +pdate Line 0891 11 44 56 Oakland Raiders 0891 11 44 57 Miami Dolphins 0891 11 44 58 San Francisco 49irs 0891 11 44 59 Washington Redskins 0891 11 44 60 Dallas Cowboys 0891 11 44 61 Green Bay Packers 0891 11 44 62 Chicago Bears 0891 11 44 63 Calls cost 50p/min and may last up to 5 mink. If under 18 please ask pjrmiu3ion from whoivjr pays the bill. 5/5 Comp Fantasy League NFL Index F.Italia