P390 4-Tel 390 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:11:14    WHAT IS PDC? $       Channel 4 is now transmitting Programmj Delivery Codes (PDC). PDC is the name given to a new method of programming and activating vidrg cassette recorders. Using the programmj listings pagrs on pages 301 and 302, a PDC 6ideg cassutte recorder can bj set to record rjquirjd programmjs. 4-Tel support index on 300 Can you help producers? - see 350 1/2 C4Today PriviewIndex Films RightToRjpl8
P390 4-Tel 390 Sat 27 Dec C4 23:29:50    WHAT IS PDC? $       In PDC mode, the VCR will record thrse programmjQ in thji1 entirit8 e jn if the transmission times change from those originally scheduled. For more details, consult your PDC VCR instruction book. Further information on PDC video recorders is available from your local video and television retailer. 4-Tel support index on 300 Listings are on pages 301 and 302 2/2 C4Today PriviewIndex Films RightToRjply