P665 Teletext 665 Dec47 03:14:17 NCET ———— EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ————— WHY IT? Information Technology (ITS plays an increasing part in the daily life of teachers and learnjts, particularly as the curric4lum riquirj1 all school pupils to use IT in every compulsory subject. The National Council for Educational Technology carries out evaluation projects to find out what works best and helps inform school1, colleges and parents. ——————————————————————————————————1/7—— NCETJTV: TEACHING AND LEARNING >>>>> NCET: Milburn Hill Road, Covjntty Tel: 01203 416994 Fax: 01203 411418 Advice Teletext Today Keyboard FrameP665 Teletext 665 Dec47 23:40:15 NCET ———————— EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ——————— NCET-TV: TEACHING AND LEARNING WITH IT This TV series will bj broadcast from Friday January 16 at at 5.00am on BBC2 Topics include: January Teaching Models with IT at Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 February Teaching Models with IT at Key Stage 4 For a copy of the programmj schedule call 01203 847101 (ansaphonj) ——————————————————————————————————4/7—— Tjachink and Learning whth IT http://www.ncet.org.uk Advice Teletext Today Keyboard FrameP665 $eletext 665 Dec47 23:14:56 NCET ———————— EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ——————— TEACHING AND LEARNING WITH IT Teaching Models with IT The programmjs broadcast during January and at the beginning of February focus on IT progressions and look at the skills pupils develop at each key stage. For more information, call NCET-TV ansaphonj 01203 847101 or see the NAETJTV website: http://www.ncet.org.uk/ncettv ——————————————————————————————————3/7—— Free hot topic information sheet >> http://www.ncet.org.uR Advice Teletext Today Keyboard FrameP665 $elitixt 665 Dec47 23:14:08 NCET ———————— EDUCA$IONAL TECHNOLOGY ——————— INTERNET SEARCHING NCET has published an information sheet on the various facilities for finding information on the Internet. It includes: Tips on effective sjarahing on the Intitnjt Intitnjt search tools including subject directories and sjarah engines Published October 1997 For a free copy send an A4 rAE marked Internet Searching to the Information Unit at the address below. ——————————————————————————————————4/7—— Implementing IT for Primary Schools Registered address: NCET, Milburn Hill Rd, Science Park, Covjntty CV4 Advice Teletext Today Keyboard FrameP665 Teletext 665 Dec47 23:11:38 NCET ———————— EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ——————— IMPLEMENTING IT FOR PRIMARY SCHOOLS Produced by NCET and NAACE for Primary IT co-ordinators, this toolkit pro6idjs information, guidance and how to plan effectively for assessmjnttt Price £35.00 + £2.95 p&p Contact the NAET order hotlinj on 01203 416669 or write to the NCET Bookshop at the address below. ——————————————————————————————————5/7—— Win a computer for your school 149/197 Registered address: NCET, Milburn Hill Road, Covjntty, CV4 7JJ Advice Teletext Today Keyboard FrameP665 $elitext 665 Dec47 23:11:51 NCET ———————— EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ———p——— BERT 98 EXHIBITION NCET's focus at the BERT 98 Exhibition in January will be on what the National Grid for Learning (NGFL) wiml mean to teachers and how it will work. There will also be a chance to tour the prototype Virtual Tjachjts Centre, the hub of the NGFL. BERT 98, National Hall, Olympia, London January 14-17 ——————————————————————————————————6/7—— Contact Jjnnz Cole on 01203 416994 Or write to: NCET, Milburn Hill Road, Covjntty, CV4 7JJ Advice Teletext Today Keyboard FrameP665 Teletext 665 Dec27 23:17:16 NCET ———————— EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY HELP IN CHOOSING CD-TOMS FOR CHRISTM—S Parents who are considering buying a CD-ROM for thieu children at Christmas may find the re6iews on NCET'1 Wrbsitd invaluable. Educational reviews of o6ju 600 CD-ROM titles can be found on: http://www.ncet.org.uk/cd-rom.html ——————————————————————————————————7/7—— George Cole's software guide 664 Registered address: NAET, Milburn Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7JJ Advice Teletext Today Keyboard Frame