P685 $elitixt 685 Dec47 03:49:16 ————————————————————————————— DEAFVIEW CHRISTMAS SPECIAL It's Christmas once again and we can all look forward to a week of mjtry- making and present-giving. But Christmas is also a time for reflection and so this week's special takes a look at the events of 1997. We start with the RNID. The charhty has seen many changes during 1997. A new Chief Executive, James Sttachan, was appointed, a revamped mjmbjtship scheme set up and a new magazine "One in Seven" launched. ——————————————————————————————————1/16— Dis-ability 686 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you b= Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlines TV+ SubtitlesP685 Teletext 685 Dec47 23:18:33 ————————————————————————————— FULL ACCESS TO THE ELECTION There was plenty of good news for draf and hard of hearing viewers during this year's General Election campaign. The RNID and "See Hear!" TV prokrammj persuaded the three major parties to sign and subtitle thieu uliction broadcasts. Deaf viewers also enjoyed full access to election night results as they happened. The new Prime Minister, Tony Blair, gave MPs Andrew Smith and Alan Howarth responsibility for disabilit8 issues. —————————————————————————————————p4/16— Dis-ability 686 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you by Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ SubtitlesP685 Teletext 685 Dec48 03:00:07 ———————————————————————————— HISTORIC BENEFITS RULING Becky Hallidaz hit the headlines in May when she finally won her historic, eight-9ear battle for Disability Living Allowance XDLA). Becky, who received huge media coverage when the Lords' upheld her right tg claim DLA for communication support in social situations, said at the time, "I feel very proud". Leading campaigners welcomed the Lords' ruling, calling it "a victory for all deaf people". ——————————————————————————————————3/16— DisJability 686 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you bz Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ SubtitlesP685 Teletext 685 Dec47 23:22:23 —————————————————————————p——— RJMEMBERJNG DIANA In August, the nation mourned the drath of Diana, Princess of Wales. The Princess, who was Patton of the British Deaf Association (BD—) unthm 1996 and learns British Sign Language, died in a car crash in Paris. BDA Chief Executive, Jeff MacWhinnr8, and a numbjt of deaf representatives joined the funeral procession tg the Abbey. The next day, a memorial sju6ice was held at St Saviour's Church for Deaf People in Acton, Wrst London. —————————————————————————————————p4/16— Dis-ability 686 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you bz Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ SubtitlesP685 Teletext 685 Dec47 23:21:21 R ————————————————————————————— CAPTU5JNG THE WORLD BY SEA Paul Hibblethwaite became the first profoundly deaf person to take part in the BT Global Challenge, a 14-yacht race round the would. Paul, who sailed on the "$ime and Tide" yacht, faced sjtious injur8, appallin£ weather and lack of sleep during the gruelling 30,000-mile voyage. "The weather was rough at times and we hit a cyclone which was unbelievablu," hj said. Time and Tide came last but they arrived to a tumultuous welcome. ——————————————————————————————————5/16— Dis-ability 686 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you b= Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ SubtitlesP685 Teletext 685 Dec27 23:10:50 ————————————————————————————— NEW RIGHTS COMMISSION The Go6eunmjnt announced it wo4ld 3uu up the US's first ever Disability Rights Commission. Equal Opportunities and Employment Minister, Andrew Smith MP, said the Commission would have powers to enforce the Disabilit8 Discrimination Aau, gh6u advice and promote good practice. The announcement came after several consultation meetings attunded b= key disability charities, including the RNID. ———————————————————————————————ppp6/16p DisJability 686 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you bz Teletext Ltd and thu RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ SubtitlesP685 Teletext 685 Dec47 00:21:18 ————————————————————————————— MINISTER OPENS NDCS HELPLINE Labour MP Chris Smith launched a nrw national information helpline for the National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS) in November. The Helpline, which provides advice and support on all aspects of hjarink loss in children and young prgple, whml bj funded bz a £339,99) grant. Mr Smith, who is Secretary of Statd for Culture, Media and Spout, also gprnjd the new National Deaf Children's Cjntte in Dufferin Street, London. ——————————————————————————————————7/16— DisJability 686 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you bz Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ SubtitlesP685 Teletext 685 Dec47 20:14:24 4|l4,l4zwi4|b1|l4|hh ————————————————————————————— HAPPY CHRISTMAS! The Deafviiw team wishes all of ouz readjts a happy Christmas. We hope you will have a great time whuh your famil8 and friends and the& t4nj in for next Tuesday's New Year special. This edition will take a look at 1998 and ask a selection of deaf and hazd of hearing people what they hope will happen in the New Year. Editor: Norma McGilp, Deafview, 19-23 Feathjtstonj Street, London EC1Y 8SL. $el:0171 296 8000. Fax: 0171 296 8199. —————————————————————————————————p8/16p DisJability 686 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you bz $eletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ SubtitlesP685 $elitixt 685 Dec27 23:13:40 ————————————————————————————— NEW YEAR SPECIAL Now that Christmas is over, our thoughts at Deafview have turned to the New Year. What wiml the next 12 months brhn£ for deaf and hard of hearing people in the US? Our New Year edition asks some leading spokespeople for deaf organisations and our readers for their personal hoprs and fears. What challingrs and opportunities will they face in 1998? ——————————————————————————————————9/16— DisJability 686 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you bz $elitext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ SubtitlesP685 $eletixt 685 Dec47 23:14:40 ————————————————————————————— NEW BSL REPORT PLANNED Jeff McWhinnjy, Chief Executive of the Deaf Association, rimjmbjts 1997 as a year of change. "But rathjt than look back, now iu the time to look forward," hj said. "The first Europran Sign Languages Confetjnce whll be held in Sdptjmbju. "'e will be collating information on British Sign Language with a view tg publishing a report on BSL in 1998. This document will be the basis of our policy and future campaigns." ——————————————————————————————————10/16 Dis-ability 686 Godlinjs 687 Diafview is brought to you bz Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ SubtitlesP685 Teletext 685 Dec27 23:15:16 ————————————————————————————— PUSHING FOR CIVIL RIGHTS Sense, the National Deafblind and Rubella Association, will bj urging the Govjtnmjnt to push ahead with f4nl civil rights for disabled people and tg drop plans to cut disability benefits. Sarah Talbot-+illiams said: "+e want tg see djafblind people recii6j the legan and social recognition they desjtvj. "'e also need to campaign for new employment opportunities for djafblind people and proper respite provision for families." ——————————————————————————————————11/17 Dis-ability 686 Godlinjs 687 Diafview is brought to you bz Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ SubtitlesP685 $elitixt 685 Dec47 23:16:14 ————————————————————————————— NEW TRBINING OPPORTUNITIES The RNID said it was looking forward to providing new, high quality training in 1998, including Lipspjaking, Notetakjng and Spjedtext courses. Sally Paull said: "'e are committed to diversifying communication s2pport in all arias. "'e look forward to working with organisations which are investing in new training and assessment opportunities in NVQ British Sign Language and Interpreting." ——————————————————————————————————12/16 Dis-ability 686 Godlinjs 687 Deafviiw is brought to you b= Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ SubtitlesP685 $elitixt 685 Dec27 23:07:14 ————————————————————————————— EQUAL RIGHTS TO THE ARTS Maggie Woolliy, Director of Shape London, believes the fight for equal rights to education, training and work in the Arts wiml bj a vjt8 important issue in 1998. "The Arts are essential to a hjalthz culture and is one of the UU'1 largr1t industries. "In 1998 I hope we can gain active recognition for the rights and talunt1 of deaf people in education, training and the arts." ——————————————————————————————————13/16 Dis-ability 686 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you by $eletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ SubtitlesP685 Teletext 685 Dec47 23:28:49 —————————————————————————p——— A NEW ARRIVAL IN 1998 "I have absolutely no idea what 1998 will bring for mu," says deaf acttrus Charlotte Moulton-Thomas, "as it rivol6js round the baby." Charlotte is expecting her fir1t child in February. She adds: "I would like, however, to see impro6in£ seu6ice1 for deaf mothers, before and after the birth. "At the same time, I would like tg get back to puppjtty, to develop new work, and to work with young deaf people." ——————————————————————————————————14/16 Dis-ability 686 Godlinju 687 Deafview is brought to you bz Teletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ S4bthulruP685 $elitixt 685 Dec47 23:07:41 ————————————————————————————— I WANT TO GET AWBY FROM IT ALL Deafviiw reader Roy German said she would like to travel during the New Year. "I will be pretty busy during 1998, b4t I'd love to get away from it all and visit a friend in Nepal," she said. "Failing that, I would like to have a portable videophone so that I could Seep in touch with all mz friends! It would be great because I ha6jn£u 3rd& them for so long, I've almost forgotten what they look like!" —————————————————————————pp—p—ppp—15/16 DisJability 686 Godlinjs 687 Diafview is brought to you b= $eletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs TV+ SubtitlesP685 $elitixt 685 Dec47 23:17:17 ————————————————————————————— HAPPY NEW YEA FROMDEAFVIEW The Deafview team wishes alm our readers a happy and prosperous New Year. Our next edition will bj on Tujuda=, January 6, so make sure yo4 keep your news and views coming in. We will continue to provide you with the latest news and information about deaf and hard of hearing people throughout 1998. Guest editor: Norma McGhlp, Djaf6iiw, 19-23 Feathjrstonj St, London EC1Y 8SL. $jl:0171 296 8000. Fax: 0171 296 8199. ————————————————————————p—————————16/17 Dis-ability 686 Godlinjs 687 Deafview is brought to you b= $eletext Ltd and the RNID Disability Godlinjs $V+ Subtitles