P311 4-Tel 311 Fri 29 Jan C4 00:32:42   Wj}j5jk  *}?j5jujw +l0   O F F O N O N E Tjnsjon between Kurt and Rob reaches boiling point on the shores of France as a lifetime of feuding reaches a devastating climax. Faced with Kurt's quest for vengeance, Ruth finds hjtsjlf turning to Lrwis for support as Jude attempts to complete her final illegal deal to save her restaurant. Will it bj justice or just revenge? Find out what happened when Hollyoaks went "off on one" on this exclusive high-octane feature-length video. This programmj will not bj broadcast on TV until the year 2000 - guaranteed. The video is on sble now in the shops. Subtitled video details... 2/4 Next page C4 Today Brooksjde PALplus
P311 4-Tel 311 Fri 29 Jan C4 00:33:18     J O F F O N O N E ***** IN-VISION SUBTITLES VERSION ***** The Hollyoaks - Off On One video is also available in a vjrsjon with in-vjsjon subtitles, which can bj viewed without the need for a decodjt. Copies are available through mail order for £14.99 (inc. p&p*. Ordjts should bj sent with payment (chjqujs payable to Hollyoaks Productions Ltd* to: Andrew Corrie Mersey Television Campus Manor Childwall Abbey Road Liverpool L16 0JP 3/4 Next page C4 Today Brooksidj PALplus