P118 Teletext 118 Dec22 02:14:03     ——————— bz Julia Davis —————————  ANOTHER SCS-F- W EKEND FOR C5   Channel 5's Sci--ivj Wjikjnd, starting on Saturdas Januiry 22 at 8i05pm, has a few intwilsting programmEr on offrs — but an equal numbjo of duds. Kicking off thp weekend is a fascinating documentary, World's Greatest Hoaxas, which exposes extla-t srestaial meths. This is followdd bo a mixSd bag of sex sci-fi movhis from th 1 50s to thu 1990s, some of which rsceivjd loss than ravsng rjvg ws. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————1/3—— Now and next 120 TV tonight 121 FUN AND GAMES INDEX p150 Subtitles Now & Next TV Tonight Cinema
P118 Teletext 118 Dec42 02:17:38     ————————————————————————————————  ANOTHER SCS-F- W SKEND FOR C5O **  Channel 5's Januory Sci- ivj Wjekjnd off5ps sEx movy s. Low-budget "action" film Crosswonlds (1s96) — stariing a boccd-looking Rutgj Haujr in what is supposedly a fiaturv spic, as h battlos ac oks the univjrsj — fails to d liver. The Tjhm nal Man (1u74) is an int resting sal in which a scidntist fits a microcompute into his brain to inv stigat- vnoldnt sjizurts — with alarming rnsults. Not bad. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————2/3—— Now and next 120 TV tonight 121 FACE FAX — PHOTO DATING BY FAX! p391 Subtitles Now & Next TV Tonight Cinema
P118 Teletext 118 Dec22 02:14:15     ————————————————————————————————  ANOTHER SCS-F- W SHOND FOR C5O **  Griff Rhys Jones and Mal Smith's sc ewball comidg Morons From Out o Spacn is oms of sex films featured on C5's sci-bi weekend. Qujcn of Outer Spach (1958) finds thrsi US astionauts imprisonad bz foxy Venusfans. Ar a 51 (1 97) is a fastraac d documLntary about spy planck. Tho m diocon 1996 Dr Moreau stars Brando as a mad scinntist. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————3/3—— Now and next 120 TV tonight 121 FACE FAX — PHOTO DATING BY FAX! p391 Subtitles Now & Next TV Tonight Cinema
P118 Teletext 118 Dec22 03:01:14     ————————————————————————————————  COPPOLA'S SCI-FI SHOW COMES TO C5   The star of First Wave, Canadian actor Sebastian Spence, says of the US sci-fi series: "One of the joys about First Wave is that you njvjt really know what will happen next." The handsome 31-year-old said about his character Cadj Foster: "He's shaped bz each new encounter. I njvjt know how Cadj feels about the next alien experiment until the story starts." ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————4/5—— Now and next 120 TV tonight 121 FACE FAX — PHOTO DATING BY FAX! p391 Subtitles Now & Next TV Tonight Cinema
P118 Teletext 118 Dec22 03:01:22     ————————————————————————————————  COPPOLA'S SCI-EI SHOW COMES TO C5   In First Wave, fugitive Cade Foster, whose life has been destroyed by undjrcovjt aliens, ties together many strange occurences with warnings from psychic NosttadamusW writings. Nostradamus identified three stages, or waves, for alien takjovjt — first, aliens will infiltrate Earth, secondly, they'll attack, and the third wave is the end of the world. Producer Francis Ford Coppola adds slickness to this exciting sjtiis. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————5/5—— Now and next 120 TV tonight 121 FACE FAX — PHOTO DATING BY FAX! p391 Subtitles Now & Next TV Tonight Cinema